The Development of Hot Rolled Automobile Beam Steel Plates 500L-Z With Excellent Surface Oxide Layer

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqin0629
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This paper has determined the compositions and hot rolling processes of the hot rolled beam steel plates with excellent surface oxide layer for automobiles by investigating the oxide layer forming principle and its influence factors,and the feature of the steel oxide layer.The microstructure,mechanical properties,oxide layer shape and structural composition of the steel plates are analyzed by using metallographic structures examination,SEM analyzing,X-ray diffraction instrument and mechanical properties testing.The result shows that the trial hot rolled frame steel plates have an excellent oxide layer adhesion,the Fe 3 O 4 proportions is greater than 85% in the oxide layer,and the oxide layer thickness is less than or equal to 10μm.The product has been trial-manufactured more than 100 thousands ton,and used to stamp the beam parts of automobiles straightly in no pickling process.The oxide layer scarcely scales off from the steel plates,and the effect is remarkable. This paper has determined the compositions and hot rolling processes of the hot rolled beam steel plates with excellent surface oxide layer for automobiles by investigating the oxide layer forming principle and its influence factors, and the feature of the steel oxide layer. Microstructure, mechanical properties , oxide layer shape and structural composition of the steel plates are analyzed by using metallographic structures examination, SEM analyzing, X-ray diffraction instrument and mechanical properties testing. The result shows that the trial hot rolled frame steel plates have an excellent oxide layer adhesion, the Fe 3 O 4 proportions is greater than 85% in the oxide layer, and the oxide layer thickness is less than or equal to 10 μm. The product has been trial-manufactured more than 100 thousands ton, and used to stamp the beam parts of automobiles straightly in no pickling process.The oxide layer scarcely scales off from the steel plates, and the effect is remarkable.
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[说明]本文是先父王任叔(巴人)在鲁迅先生逝世二周年之际所写的怀念文章,原文刊登于1938年10月25日《文艺》半月刊第2卷第2期,署名屈轶,后收入1940年8月上海高山书店出 [Not