
来源 :计算机系统应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zasakura
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The stimulus of advances in Information Technology(IT),particularly the Internet,has forced firms to explore new organizational forms and deliver service innovation.Emerging Internet-based electronic distribution channels,i.e.,Internet channels,might be another forms of services innovation for firms to face the market dynamics.However,empirical studies fail to provide direct evidence of whether Internet channels enhance business performance.In order to fill in the literature gap,this empirical study attempts to investigate performance implications of Internet channels in Taiwan by means of applying data envelopment analysis (DEA).Results show that operating efficiency of financial services firms following the Internet channels announcement is increased.This work therefore concludes that Internet channels have positive influence on business performance. The stimulus of advances in Information Technology (IT), particularly the Internet, has forced firms to explore new organizational forms and deliver service innovation. Emerging Internet-based electronic distribution channels, ie, Internet channels, might be another forms of services innovation for firms to face the market dynamics. Yet, empirical studies fail to provide direct evidence of whether Internet channels enhance business performance. In order to fill in the literature gap, this empirical study attempts to investigate performance implications of Internet channels in Taiwan by means of applying data envelopment analysis (DEA). Results show that operating efficiency of financial services firms following the Internet channels announcement is increased. This work enables conclusive that Internet channels have positive influence on business performance.
我们的儿子今年高考。刚考完之后我们就让他估分,他很不耐烦地说也就300多分,后来又说还要少。更让人着急的是他自己还整天聚会、玩耍,好像没事的一样。后来给他联系了辅导班,可是他上完两节课回来还是没事可干。现在我们还是一说话就吵。请问,是不是该让孩子重读一年明年再考?  理解信任  上文中这位母亲的心情是可以理解的。可光是火烧火燎,不仅会烧坏了自己的心,还会烧坏了孩子的心,此外还有什么意义呢?还怎么能
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习惯是人的一种自动化了的行为。所谓“习惯成自然”,不良习惯也是如此。那些不良习惯给人带来的只是即时的欢愉,而从长远看,这些行为是消极的、是不健康的。 故态复萌是改
暑假结束后,学校里正忙着开学的事情。开学日是个大日子,学生们要来到学校,学校也要迎接学生,都是动态的活动。  一、开学第一天  开学第一天,学校及教室的环境经过一个暑假,已不如上课时那般整洁,到处都有落叶及垃圾,沙尘也多了许多。厕所不堪使用的脏乱情形,真是吓死人了。学生们开开心心地到了学校,都与要好的同学兴奋地分享着暑假里去哪里玩的心得。陈老师则安排着学生们进行打扫的工作,不断地叮咛着学生要留心,