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第一张信用卡是由美国人拉尔夫·史德于1950年发明的。持卡人均为食俱乐部成员,他们可以持卡在纽约27家餐厅吃饭,过后结帐。1958年美利坚银行首创银行卡,饮食俱乐部的各项服务已有相当的扩展,分支机构网络也具规模,随后用卡支付住宿费及在特定商店持卡购物也成为可能。40年后,各类信用卡系统及它们的网络已有巨大发展。这种信用卡的使用使货币流量激增,产生了新的经济指数。 The first credit card was invented by American Ralph Stead in 1950. The cardholders are members of the food club. They can hold a card to eat in 27 restaurants in New York and checkout afterwards. In 1958, the Bank of America initiated the first bank card, and the various services of the catering club had expanded considerably. The branch network also had a large scale. It was then possible to use the card to pay for the accommodation fee and purchase the card at a specific store. 40 years later, various types of credit card systems and their networks have grown tremendously. The use of such credit cards has led to a surge in currency flows and a new economic index.
1.You’re telling me.还用你说。例如:A.You know what? Smoking is extremely harmful to your lungs.你知道吗?吸烟对肺极其有害。B.You’re telling me,还用你说。(早知
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“每天,我们用英语向学生传授着知识,还叙述着我们自己的故事。” “Every day, we use English to teach students knowledge and describe our own stories.”
No man is an island, entire of itself: Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, As w
这是一个制服高科技犯罪的案件。没有枪械和匕首,但读者同样看见了刀光剑影;虽然没有犯罪分子作案时的狰狞面目,但读者仍可见一个带手铐脚镣的“重犯”下场: A tall young ma