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我原担任苏州市中街路中心小学副校长,到农村工作才一年多时间,是农村教育战线上的一名新兵。去春,我参加了上级领导部门组织的调查组,到公社调查劳动人民子女的入学情况。当时,市郊长青公社的一个调查数字,使我的心情不能平静。在这个公社,学龄儿童的入学率,只有百分之四十七,贫下中农子女入学的就更少了。我想起了毛主席在《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》一文中曾经说过,“我国有五亿多农业人口,农民的情况如何,对于我国经济的发展和政权的巩固,关系极大。”感到普及教育重点是在农村,作为一个共产党员,作为一个革命的教育工作者,有责任到农村去,为五亿农民文化上的彻底翻身贡献力量。于是,我就向领导上提出了到农村去工作的请求。可是,我自参加工作以来,一直在城里,各方面的条件都比较好,现在要到农村去,工作和生活的条件都 I was former Vice President of Zhongjie Road Central Primary School in Suzhou City. I had only worked in rural areas for more than a year and was a recruiter on the rural education front. In spring, I took part in the investigation team organized by the higher leading department and went to the commune to investigate the enrollment of children of working people. At that time, a survey of suburban Evergreen commune, so that my mood can not be calm. In this commune, the enrollment rate of school-age children is only 47%. There are even fewer children of poor peasants who are enrolled in schools. I have remembered Chairman Mao once said in his article “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People” that “there are over 500 million agricultural population and peasants in our country and there is a great relationship between our economic development and the consolidation of our political power.” "We feel that popularizing education is the key point in rural areas. As a member of the Communist Party, as a revolutionary educator, it is our responsibility to go to the countryside and contribute to the complete emancipation of the 500 million peasants. So, I put forward to the leadership made a request to go to work in rural areas. However, since I joined the workforce, I have been in town for a long time, and the conditions in all fields are better. Now I have to go to rural areas and work and live in conditions
目的探讨腹腔镜下行直肠癌根治术(L-Dixon,L-Miles)的应用价值。方法对我院2009年10月至2011年1月期间收治的68例行腹腔镜直肠癌根治术患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 6
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