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一、转折时期的低迷 目前的书籍艺术设计,与其他专业门类一样,也面临着因社会主义计划经济向市场转轨时所带来的种种问题。一个突出的现象是,当图书被承认有一般商品的属性进入市场后,片面追求商业利润的粗制滥造、哗众取宠之风,也同时进入书籍艺术设计领域。无数个体书店、书摊上充斥着千篇一律的流行风格的、有意缩小版心、放大字号和行距、用纸粗糙、错别字满篇的所谓畅销书。 护封被彻底商品化和广告化了。护封成了与书籍内容不相关的东西。这一类“畅销书”的设计要求是,在琳琅满目的书摊中,如何在十步之外一眼看到,于是醒目的大字号书名,鲜艳的美女,怪诞的风景以及电脑超现实绘画一齐登台。然而,蜂涌而上的“醒目”使得大家都湮没在“醒目”丛中。 滥用护封还造成不必要的浪费,它和加大字号、缩小版心从而增加了印张等因素一起,成为图书价格上涨的原因之一。 这种“畅销书”的流行,并不说明文化的真正繁荣,实际上它是文化虚无主义的反映。我们在书摊上看到五四以来的新文化运动的巨匠 I. The Downturn in the Transitional Period At present, art design for books, like other specialties, is also facing problems arising from the transition from a planned socialist economy to the market. A prominent phenomenon is that when the book is admitted that the general merchandise attributes into the market, one-sided pursuit of commercial profits of the shoddy, sensational style, but also into the book art design. Countless individual bookstores, bookstalls are full of stereotyped pop style, with the intention of narrowing the heart, enlarge the font size and line spacing, rough paper, full of typos full of so-called bestseller. Seal is completely commercialized and advertised. Envelope became something irrelevant to the content of the book. This type of “bestseller” design requirements, in an array of books in the stalls, how to see at a glance, so eye-catching big name book title, bright beauty, grotesque scenery and computer surreal painting together On the stage. However, the rush of “eye-catching” so that everyone is annihilated in the “eye-catching” cluster. Abuse of seal also caused unnecessary waste, and it increases the font size, reduce the version of the heart and thus increase the print sheet and other factors together, as one of the reasons for the book prices. The popularity of this “bestseller” does not indicate the true prosperity of culture, in fact, it is a reflection of cultural nihilism. We see in the bookstall the May Fourth New Culture Movement
钠和钾都是组成身体(分别占体重的0.15%和0.2%)和维持健康非常重要的营养成分. Both sodium and potassium are very important nutrients that make up the body (0.15% a
一、岑麒祥的简介 1903.7.15 生于广东省合浦县廉州镇 1911.9—1915.7 合浦县廉州镇模范小学 1915.9—1917.7 合浦县廉州镇高等小学 1917.9—1921.7 广东省立廉州中学 1