马克思列宁毛泽东等革命导师一生为报刊撰写的政论和新闻述评中,有相当一部分是进行论辩明理的。近几年来,各新闻媒介的记者尤其是驻外记者和新华社记者就国内外形势和政治事件所写新闻述评,其中旨在论辩明理的为数也日见增多。运用新闻述评就有关是非不清的问题或被扭曲的事理进行论辩,以求明辨是非,以正视听,这固然是适应客观形势的需要,但同时也表明,以新闻述评的形式进行论辩明理正是它的优势所在。为什么这样说呢? 这是因为,新闻述评与其它新闻评论有所不同,它集报道事实和分析评论于一身,具有新闻与评论
A considerable part of the political commentary and news commentary written by a revolutionary mentor such as Mao Zedong and Marxism Lenin during his life was justified by arguments. In recent years, journalists of various media, especially foreign correspondents and Xinhua reporters, have commented on the news written about the situation and political events both at home and abroad. Among them, the number of arguments for justification is also on the increase. To use the news commentary to make debates on unclear or distorted issues in order to clarify the right and wrong and to face up to hear is a matter of course to meet the needs of the objective situation. At the same time, it is also demonstrated that justification in the form of news commentary is exactly Its advantage lies. Why do you say this? This is because the news commentary is different from other news commentary. It is a collection of facts and analytical comments, with news and commentary