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解放后,国家规定了女性在法律上与男性平等,有劳动与受教育的权利,享有产假与公费医疗。然而随着改革开放,妇女地位并没有随着经济改革而上升,反而在激烈的市场竞争中出现了很不乐观的劣势,主要表现为女性失业率高,就业难,性骚扰也对女性构成一定威胁。用对待婴儿性别的态度、男女入学比例、男女就业比例、女性参政人数比例、女性的家庭地位、女性个人财产在社会财产中的比例等各项综合指标衡量,在全世界160个国家中,我国妇女排名132位。正是在这个背景之下,女性的心理疾患因社会原因而逐年增多。 After liberation, the state stipulated that women should have equal rights with men in law, have the right to work and education, and enjoy maternity leave and public medical expenses. However, with the reform and opening up, the status of women has not risen along with the economic reform. On the contrary, there have been very unfavorable disadvantages in the fierce market competition, which are mainly manifested in the high unemployment rate of women, employment difficulties and sexual harassment, which pose a certain threat to women . In terms of attitudes towards babies’ gender, enrollment of men and women, the proportion of men and women employed, the percentage of women in politics, the family status of women and the proportion of women’s personal property in social property, among 160 countries in the world, Women ranked 132th. It is against this background that women’s psychological disorders have increased year by year for social reasons.
生物 科 学是 自然 科 学中 发 展最 为迅 速 的科 学之一。它不仅是众多事实和理论,也是一个不断探究的过程。初中生物学接触的都是关于生命科学的基础知识,与其他学科相比,
气道重塑是顽固性哮喘的病理基础,是造成不可逆性气道阻塞的主要原因。早期治疗气道炎症是防治气道重塑的关键。 Airway remodeling is the pathological basis of intracta
本文报告作者对头部CT 予测卒中患者功能结局的研究结果.方法:复习1983年出院的100例经过连续观察的卒中患者的病历.全部患者入康复医院前均做过CT,结果分成6组;Ⅰ组正常,Ⅱ
1 背景 急性支气管炎的抗生素治疗作为一基本治疗措施仍存有争议。急性支气管炎是一种常见病。据统计人群中急性支气管炎的发病率为每年每1000人 1 Background Antibiotic
新时代的巾帼英雄菲律宾的“娘子军”勇于出国打天下,仅在1991年就有60万菲律宾人合法出国打工,其中有一 The heroine of the new era, the “militia” of the Philippines