深化集体林权制度改革 开展集体林权抵押贷款

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今年是全面推进北京市集体林权制度改革的第五年,通过均股不分山、均利不分林的北京林改模式,明晰了产权,落实了处置权,保障了收益权,极大地激发了山区农民护林爱山的热情,有力促进了全市绿化事业的发展,也受到了人民群众和社会各界的普遍赞誉。深化集体林权制度改革,盘活森林资源资产,创新林业要素的资本化运营,推进集体林权抵押贷款,着力解决农民发展林业过程中贷款难和资金不足等问题,对进一步激发农民爱林、护林、造林的积极性,促进农民增收,加快城乡经济社会一体化 This year marks the fifth year of comprehensively promoting the reform of the collective forest tenure system in Beijing. Through the Beijing forest reform model that shares neither mountain nor forest, it clarifies property rights, implements the disposal rights and guarantees the right to income. Inspired by mountain farmers in the love of mountain passion, effectively promoted the development of the city’s afforestation project, but also by the people and community generally praised. Deepen the reform of the collective forest rights system, revitalize the forest resources and assets, innovate the forestry capital operation, push forward the collective forest rights mortgage loan, make efforts to solve the farmers ’problems in the process of forestry development such as loan difficulties and lack of funds, and further stimulate farmers’ , Afforestation enthusiasm, increase peasants income, accelerate the economic and social integration of urban and rural areas