Nano-scale compositional oscillation and phase intergrowth in Cu2S0.5Se0.5 and their role in thermal

来源 :材料科学技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mldn
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Solid solution alloying is a promising strategy to establish high performance thermoelectrics.By alloying different elements,phase structures and phase compositions may vary accompanied by appearance of variety of interesting microstructures including mass fluctuation,lattice strain,nano-scale defects and spinodal decomposition,all of which may greatly influence the electrical and specifically the thermal transport of the material.In the present study,atomic structures of Cu2S0.5Se0.5 solid solution have been examined by using atom-resolved electron microscopy in order to investigate the structure-correlated physical insights for the abnormal thermal transport in this solid solution.Then the exceptional inter-growth nanostructures were observed.The solid solution consists of two high symmetrical phases,i.e.the hexagonal and cubic phase,which alternately intergrow to form highly oriented ultra-thin lamel-lae of nano or even,unit cell scales.The compositional oscillation in Se/S atomic ratio during alloying is responsible for the phase stability and intergrowth nanostructures.The unique binary phase intergrowth nanostructures make great contribution to the ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity comparable to glass and extremely short phonon mean free path of only 1.04 (A),peculiar continuous hexagonal-to-cubic struc-tural transformation without a critical transition temperature and its corresponding abnormal changes of thermal characters with temperatures.The present study further evokes the unlimited possibilities and potentials for tailoring nanostructures by alloying for improved thermoelectric performance.
Monolithic bulk metallic glass and glass matrix composites with a relative density above 98%were produced by processing Cu46Zr46Al8(at.%)via selective laser melting(SLM).Their microstructures and mechanical properties were
为保证驾驶人在隧道入口的视觉参照的连续性、准确性,提高隧道入口的行车安全,通过对隧道入口视觉参照系的特性进行研究分析,提出了一种能在隧道入口建立强视觉参照系的视觉参照柱。在统计分析隧道横断面尺寸、驾驶人进入隧道时由于侧墙效应引起驾驶人行车轨迹的偏移的基础上,结合驾驶人的心理、生理特性,提出了隧道入口路面宽度变化段的过渡段长度建议值,建立了在隧道洞口内外布设视觉参照柱的长度、间距计算模型。研究结果表明:在隧道洞口外视觉参照柱布设的长度宜为200 m,隧道洞口内布设长度宜为250 m,布设间距宜为22 m。