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该课题设计按照普通高中《英语课程标准》的要求制定。教育部制定的普通高中《英语课程标准》明确规定了高中英语课程的总目标。其中一条就是“培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展的基础上。语言技能和语言知识是综合语言运用能力的基础。而语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。”写的技能要求学生能写出中心突出,内容清楚,语言流畅,段落分明,结构严谨的英语篇章,准确表达和传递信息和情感。但是通过日常的英语写作课,我们发现并归纳出学生在写作中的错误,诸如,语言层面的错误和心理语言层面的错误。为了解决以上这些问题,提高学生的英语写作能力,按照行为主义学习理论,我们设计了课题的具体实施方案:语料收集,篇误辨认,篇误分类,篇误解释和篇误评估。利用写作课的教学环境来强化学生对语言错误的辨析能力,并且为今后的课堂教学做准备,思考设计什么样的弥补课程来减少学生在写作中的篇误,弥补性的课程如何安排,如何促进学生在语言运用能力方面达到《高中英语课程标准》的要求?该课题研究涉及语言学,教育学,心理学,教育心理学等学科知识,努力从多个角度对学生的语言学习开展研究并促进学生在语言能力上的提高。 The topic is designed in accordance with the requirements of the English High School Curriculum Standards. The Ordinary Senior High School English Curriculum Standards set by the Ministry of Education clearly define the overall goals of the high school English curriculum. One of them is to develop students’ comprehensive language skills. The formation of comprehensive language skills is based on the integrated development of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes, learning strategies, and cultural awareness. Language skills and language knowledge are integrated languages. The basic skills are used, and the language skills include the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as the comprehensive utilization of these four skills." The written skills require students to write prominent, clear content and smooth language. Clearly structured, well-structured English chapters accurately express and convey information and emotions. However, through the daily English writing class, we discovered and summarized errors in students’ writing, such as errors at the language level and errors at the psychological language level. In order to solve these problems and improve students’ English writing ability, according to the theory of behaviorism learning, we designed a specific implementation plan for the project: corpus collection, erroneous identification, mis-categorization of essays, interpretation of erroneous articles, and assessment of literary errors. Use the teaching environment of the writing class to strengthen students’ ability to discriminate and analyze language errors, prepare for future classroom teaching, think about what kind of make up courses to reduce students’ mistakes in writing, how to make up for the arrangement of courses, and how To promote the students’ ability to use the language to meet the requirements of the “High School English Curriculum Standards”. This research involves linguistics, pedagogy, psychology, educational psychology and other disciplines, and strives to study students’ language learning from multiple perspectives. Promote students’ language skills.
课堂互动是多媒体教学环境下促进大学英语教学效果的重要手段。笔者首先分析了影响课堂互动的重要因素,并据此提出了在多媒体教学环境下强化大学英语课堂互动的方法。 Class
《荷花淀》细节描写历来为人们所称道,我们在教学时要重点分析其细节描写所蕴藏的内涵以及在整篇小说中的作用。 The detailed description of “Lotus Lake” has always b