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先秦庄子笔下的猴子是愚笨的。《庄子·齐物论》有“朝三暮四”的故事,说的是狙公给众猴芋,早上给三个,晚上给四个,“众狙皆怒”;改为早上给四个芋,晚上给三个,“众狙皆悦”。——猴子们的愚,就愚在只孤立地看数字,而不懂作事实的比较。到了明代,猴子也和人一起进步,变得聪明了起来,刘基的《郁离子·瞽聩》说,狙公用暴力迫众猴交物,有一只聪明的小猴向众猴提了三个问题:(1)山上的果树是不是狙公栽的?(2)没有狙公就不能采果子吗?(3)我们为什么要为他服务?得了它的启发,众猴终于起来造反,“狙公卒馁而死”。——这只聪明的小猴之所以聪明,就是困为它懂得用比较法启发众猴:有狙公存在与没有狙公存在,有何两样?受了它的启发,众猴觉悟了,于是就打破牢笼,夺回劳动果实,相携入林去过自由的生活了。人是万物之灵,其智力当然是猴子所不能比及的。人的思维之灵,就在于他们不孤立地看问题,而是在事物的联系中,在事物对立面的比较综合中认识事物,发现事物内在的规律。比较的方法,是认识事物的科学,是符合唯物辩证的观点的。希望上海市的这一教学改革信息,能廓开全国同仁的教学思路。 The monkeys in the pre-Qin Zhuangzi were stupid. “Zhuangzi·Everything Theory” has a story of “three directions and four directions”. It is said that the monk gave the monkeys a monk, three in the morning and four in the evening. “All the people are angry”; instead, they give four skeletons in the morning. To three, “all are happy.” - The ignorance of monkeys is foolish to look at numbers in isolation, and not to compare facts. In the Ming Dynasty, the monkeys also progressed together with others and became smart. Liu Ji’s “Yu-Ion-Lan” said that the public used violence to force public monkeys to intervene and that there was a smart monkey who raised three monkeys to the monkeys. Question: (1) Is the fruit tree on the hill not planted by the monk? (2) Can we not collect fruit without the monk? (3) Why did we serve him? With its enlightenment, the monkeys finally revolted, The death of the male soldier died." The reason why this clever little monkey is clever is that it is trapped in knowing how to use the comparative method to enlighten the monkeys: What is the difference between the existence of the uncle and the existence of the uncle? The enlightenment of the monkeys led to the realization of the monkeys. Break the cage, regain the fruits of labor, and bring it to the forest to live a free life. Man is the spirit of all things, and its intelligence is certainly beyond the reach of monkeys. The spirit of people’s thinking lies in that they do not look at problems in isolation, but in the connection of things, understanding things in the comparative synthesis of opposites of things, and discovering the internal laws of things. The method of comparison is to understand the science of things and is in line with the materialist dialectical viewpoint. It is hoped that the information on this teaching reform in Shanghai can open up the teaching ideas of the entire country.
(一) 前言在电力传动内燃机车上,为保护柴油机和电气线路工作安全可靠,设有各种保护装置。其中,当柴油机油压过低,曲轴箱压力过高,电气线路回路接地短路,或过电流的时候,相
一、关于安排运输布局的指导思想 运输布局要适应生产力布局特别是工业布局的需要,要协调发展和综合利用各种运输方式,当前,除了大力建设铁路外,还要考虑如何充分利用水运。
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解放三十多年来,我国机车车辆用制动软管一直沿袭日本遗留下来的模式——用卡环、螺栓固定橡胶夹布型制动软管于接头及连接器部位,保持气密。 一、现行的组装结构及管体结构