《中国摩托车行业发展年度报告(2010年版)》 《世界摩托车行业发展年度报告(2010年版)》

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《中国摩托车行业发展年度报告(2010年版)》较全面地涵盖了2009年中国摩托车行业发展概况、进出口情况、知识产权、骨干整车企业概况、零部件行业发展以及新产品、新技术等内容。报告内容丰富,数据翔实,并能够站在一定高度把握摩托车行业发展脉络,进行阐述与系统分析。《世界摩托车行业发展年度报告(2010年版)》对世界摩托车行业市场概况、企业动态、标准法规、摩托车相关国际认证、新技术与新产品、摩托车工业协会组织及国际主要摩托车品牌等进行了系统介绍。值得一提的是,该报告对世界主要摩托车生产、消费国家进行了细致梳理,并对摩托车相关标准及国际认证情况进行了全面介绍,对国内企业开拓国际市场具有重要的指导意义。上述2份报告由中国汽车技术研究中心摩托车工业研究室撰写,将于2010年12月出版,价格为800元/本,欢迎各企事业单位来电咨询。 The Annual Report on the Development of China’s Motorcycle Industry (2010 Edition) covers a comprehensive overview of the development of China’s motorcycle industry in 2009, the import and export situation, intellectual property rights, the overview of backbone automobile enterprises, the development of parts and components industry, new products and technologies And so on. The report is rich in content, informative and informative, and able to grasp the development context of the motorcycle industry to elaborate and systematically analyze the situation. “The World Motorcycle Industry Development Annual Report (2010 Edition)” on the world motorcycle industry market overview, business trends, standards and regulations, motorcycle related international certification, new technologies and new products, motorcycle industry associations and major international motorcycle brands Such as a systematic introduction. It is worth mentioning that this report gives a detailed review of the world’s major motorcycles producers and consumers and provides a comprehensive introduction to motorcycle standards and international certification. This report is of great guiding significance for domestic enterprises to explore the international market. The above two reports by the China Automotive Technology Research Center Motorcycle Industry Research Department, will be published in December 2010, the price is 800 yuan / this, please contact the enterprises and institutions.
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