
来源 :榆林科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acdef2
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高速公路是榆林市交通运输的大动脉,与国、省道等普通公路共同构成全国公路交通大网络,保障榆林高速公路的畅通有序的交通,是榆林公安交警部门的重要职责。以现代高科技为支柱的公安交通指挥系统,运用以电子计算机为核心的自动化设备和软件系统,使公安交警部门能对所辖高速公路进行适时的综合管控,从而实现对高速公路“保安全、保畅通、降事故”的目标。本文旨在探讨和构建高速公路交通管理信息化的基本原理与体系结构,及其作用、发展方向。 The expressway is the artery of Yulin’s transportation. Together with the ordinary highways such as the country and the provincial highway, the expressway constitutes a national large-scale road and traffic network to ensure the smooth and orderly traffic of the Yulin Expressway. It is an important duty of Yulin’s traffic police department. With modern high-tech as the pillar of the public security traffic command system, the use of electronic computers as the core automation equipment and software systems, so that traffic police departments under the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction of the comprehensive and timely control of the highway in order to achieve the highway , Paul smooth pass, drop accident "goal. The purpose of this paper is to explore and construct the basic principle and architecture of expressway traffic management informatization and its function and development direction.