Role of minerals properties on leaching process of weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouxiangguchan
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Granite belonged to intrusive rock and volcanic was extrusive rock. There may be many differences in their degree of weathering and mineral chemical composition. The present study investigated the minerals properties and the leaching mechanism of the granitic weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore from Longnan Rare Earth Mine area(LN ores) and volcanic weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore from Liutang Rare Earth Mine area(LT ores). The X-ray diffraction(XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) were used to characterize the phase of rare earth ores. The particle size distributions and main composition of the ore were also presented in this paper. The leaching mechanisms of two kinds of rare earth ores were analyzed with different kinetics models and could be described by the shrinking-core model. They were all inner diffusion-controlled leaching processes. The leaching equation of the kinetics of the LN ores could be expressed as: 1-2/3ηLN-(1-ηLN)2/3=0.106r0-0.377e-10096x106/8.314Tt,, leaching equation of kinetics of LT ores was 1-2/3ηLT-(1-ηLT)2/3=8033x10-3r0-0.411e40640x103/80314Tt 3LT LT4.640 102/3 0.4118.31403231(1)=8.33 10T. The rare earth leaching rate of LT ores was always lower in the same condition, and it would need more time and more(NH4)2SO4 consumption to achieve the same rare earth leaching efficiency, which would lead to more serious ammonia-nitrogen pollution. Therefore, magnesium salt was proposed as the leaching agent to eliminate ammonia-nitrogen pollution and further studies would be taken in the future. Granite belonged to intrusive rock and volcanic was extrusive rock. There may be many differences in their degree of weathering and mineral chemical composition. The present study investigated the minerals properties and the leaching mechanism of the granitic weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore from Longnan. Rare Earth Mine area (LN ores) and volcanic weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore from Liutang Rare Earth Mine area (LT ores). The X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT- IR) were used to characterize the phase of rare earth ores. The particle size distributions and main composition of the ore were also presented in this paper. The leaching mechanisms of two kinds of rare earth ores were analyzed with different kinetics models and could be described by the shrinking-core The leaching equation of the kinetics of the LN ores could be expressed as: 1-2 / 3ηLN- (1-ηLN) 2/3 = 0.106r0-0.377e-10096x106 / 8.314Tt ,, leaching equation of kinetics of LTores was 1-2 / 3ηLT- (1-ηLT) 2/3 = 8033x10-3r0-0.411e40640x103 / 80314Tt 3LT LT4.640 102/3 0.4118.31403231 (1) = 8.33 10T. The rare earth leaching rate of LT ores was always lower in the same condition, and it would need more time and more (NH4) 2SO4 consumption to achieve the same rare earth leaching efficiency, which would Therefore, magnesium salt was proposed as the leaching agent to eliminate ammonia-nitrogen pollution and further studies would be taken in the future.
2001年5-12月,我在浙江省金华市浦江县挂职任副县长,对这座江南小城留下深刻印象。特作此文以述思念。 From May to December 2001, I served as deputy county magistrate
天 山 绵延千里 一颗月亮的孤独 就是从这里开始 传说中的马翻过了 一只鹰的高度 雪莲 都是那时开过 许多颂辞那样无力地 铺在苍茫的戈壁上 风一吹就远
随着市场经济的发展,职工群众的利益诉求日益增多,民意表达活动也日渐增多。对于一个以执政为民作为治国理念的现代执政党来说,高度尊重民意乃是执政为民的基 With the deve
斯大林原姓朱加什维利,跟当时俄罗斯许多革命家一样,搞地下工作时都另换姓氏。“斯大林”这个姓是他自己在1910年之前发明的,意为“钢铁”,同莫洛托夫(铁锤)一样,带有无产阶级和现代化大工业的意味,其实俄文中本无此姓。    他做了两件大事,留下一个模式    斯大林曾狠下工夫钻研马克思著作。早在神学院读书时,他就秘密转抄过整部《资本论》。  他毕生成就了两大功劳——建成社会主义和战胜德国法西斯。对前
1    我们需要朴实无华的回忆录。因为它能提供实实在在的史料,展示特定的历史场景和真实人物的风貌,所以有不少人在写,不少期刊都发表了不少这样的文字。  但能否也有充满理性色彩的回忆录呢?在回忆录写作上也会有所独创呢?因为这样的作品,既叙事,又阐理;既真实质朴,又闪射着反思的光彩,能将读者的认识引入另一个层次。  由于任何文章都是述理的,它或者直接,或者间接,或者袒露,或者潜藏,都在用直白的语言或