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教读本单元的突破口是关键词语的理解,本单元四篇课文,文体虽不尽相同,但其间所反映农村经济生活、戏曲欣赏、诗歌的赏析、漫画选评都重在培养学生的审美情趣。诗歌的意境美、漫画的讽刺幽默意味、京剧所独具的民族特色和浓郁的艺术魅力、小说的情节起伏和人物的多姿多彩都要求学生能够进入到这种美的境界中去,要求教师必须站在文学欣赏的角度引导学生去感悟、去领略、去品味。而语言是构建文章的材料,文章的理解、分析以至鉴赏都离不开语言这一意象的载体。因而抓住语言,特别是关键词语的深入理解。无疑是找到一把打开文学欣赏大门的金钥匙。 从学生来说,任何一篇文章留给学生最直观的感受便是文章的语言,某个词用得好,某个句用得好,某个段写得好很容易捕捉,印象也深刻。由语言分析深入下去,对于全篇的理解,重点、难点的探讨,甚至美的欣赏、陶冶,才有了立足点,而不至空泛、抽象。变美的意象为具体可感的东西,这既符合初中学生的思维特点,也符合他们的心理特质。 The breakthrough in teaching and reading this unit is the understanding of key words. Although the four texts and styles of this unit are not the same, the rural economic life, appreciation of operas, appreciation of poetry, and selection of cartoons all focus on cultivating students’ aesthetic tastes. The artistic beauty of poetry, the sarcastic humour of comics, the unique national characteristics and rich artistic charm of Peking Opera, the ups and downs of novels, and the variety of characters all require students to enter this realm of beauty. Teachers are required to Standing on the perspective of literature appreciation, students are guided to comprehend, appreciate, and taste. Language is the material for constructing articles. The understanding, analysis and even appreciation of the articles are inseparable from the carrier of language. Thus grasping the language, especially the deep understanding of keyword phrases. Undoubtedly, it is a golden key to open the door to literary appreciation. From a student’s point of view, the most intuitive feeling that any article gives to a student is the language of the article. A word is well-used, a sentence is well-used, a paragraph is well-written and easy to capture, and the impression is profound. Deepening by language analysis, we have a foothold for the understanding of the whole chapter, the discussion of key points and difficulties, and even the appreciation and cultivation of the United States, not to be vague and abstract. The image of changing beauty is a specific and sensible thing, which is not only in line with the thinking characteristics of junior middle school students, but also in line with their psychological characteristics.
孩子毕业、升学,年年是家长们的热点话题。随着七月的逼近,这项热点在逐渐升温。 初中毕业升高中,谁不盼望自己的孩子能考上一所好的高中?进了重点校,在家长的心目中就等于
解题是牢固掌握基础知识,培养基本技能,提高数学能力和发展智力的必要途径。如何解题收效大?这是人们普遍关心的问题。下面看一个实例。 例1.如图1,在四边形ABCD中,BC>BA,AD
中考,就化学学科而言,要全面考查学生的基础知认、基本技能和解决简单化学问题的能力。 初中化学的基础知识,主要包括物质的组成、分类、结构、性质、变化、化学用语、化学