相约盛世年华 携手现代同行

来源 :统计与咨询 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianyi03
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当笔尖依然忙碌地游走于文稿间时,2007年已悄悄溜走了,对于《统计与咨询》来说这是成长与收获并存的一年:她由稚嫩不断趋向成熟,在同类期刊中显现出勃勃的生机,更令我们欢欣的是,越来越多的读者关注她,喜爱她……这些收获来自于同仁的辛勤耕耘,更是由于来自各地的读者、作者们中肯的意见、建议给了我们不断完善的动力…… When the tip of the nib was still busy running through the room, it slipped away in 2007, a year of growth and gain for Statistics and Consulting: she grew immature and appeared in similar journals It is even more joyful that more and more readers pay attention to her and love her. These gains come from the hard work of my colleagues, but also from the opinions and suggestions given by readers and authors from all over the world We continue to improve the momentum ... ...
一辆辆车从我的面前驶过,有摩托车、小轿车,甚至大卡车,但它们都有一个共同的特点,就是都拖着一条又黑又长的“大尾巴”。以前在森林里,有尾巴的动物我见多了:松鼠的尾巴,猴子的尾巴,老虎甚至是狮子的尾巴,但它们都不会给我带来这般恐惧——就像当初看着人类用电锯锯断我同类时的恐惧;就像当初我被迫离开故土时的恐惧。  那“尾巴”里有我讨厌的东西,我恐惧的东西——但,那又是什么呢?  过了很久——也有可能是不久
但是,一看到孩子们那纯净期待的目光,一看到那一望无际美得醉人的草原,我所有的后悔都跑得无影无踪了。 However, as soon as I saw the children’s purely expectant eyes
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捕鸟人拿着树胶和粘竿去捕鸟。他看见一只鸟落在大树上,想要捉它,便把粘竿接长,聚精会神、目不转睛地望着高空。 The bird-hunter took the gum and stuck it to catch the
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