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“注意力经济”的事实是注意力危机。信息时代,也可视为是注意力危机的时代! 我想很多人(当然包括我自己)还没有搞清到底是怎样才算注意力经济,尽管这种新提法已赢得了我们的高度的注意。大凡讲经济,总要探讨资源分配和价值问题。“注意力”能和“经济”扯在一起,至少说明了注意力值钱。物以稀为贵,注意力无疑成了稀缺资源。作为成人区别于孩童的基本能力之一,注意力怎么会稀缺起来了呢?——是注意力发生危机了,我总算恍然大悟。原来,“注意力经济”的事实是注意力危机。信息时代,也可视为是注意力危机的时代!面对不断暴涨的信息使人不得不联想起《创世纪》里描写的洪水,我们的注意“力”不能不显得相对不支。 The fact that attention economy is a crisis of attention. The information age can also be seen as an era of attentional crisis! I think many (including myself, of course) have not yet figured out what exactly counts as an economy of economic importance, even though this new formulation has earned us a high degree of note. Generally speaking about the economy, we must always discuss the issue of resource allocation and value. “Attention ” and “Economic ” pull together, at least shows the value of attention. Things are rare, attention undoubtedly became a scarce resource. As adults one of the basic ability to distinguish from children, how attention will be scarce it? - Attention crisis, and I finally realized. It turned out that the fact that “attention economy ” is the crisis of attention. In the information age, it can also be regarded as an era of attention crisis. In the face of constantly rising information, people have to think of the floods described in Genesis. Our attention is not enough.
介绍Asp技术的最新发展情况,并结合在机械故障远程诊断中的一个应用实例,说明最新的Asp+在开发Web应用程序中的优势。 Describes the latest developments in Asp technology
据中国地震局地球物理研究所中国数字地震台网数据管理中心(CDSN DMC)从美国地震学联合研究会数据管理中心(IRIS DMC)得到的全球最新地震资料统计。2009年7月全球范围内共发
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