江西造船有限责任公司(原江西造船厂)始建于1950年,系江西省最大的地方国有造船企业。唯一具有“壹级船舶制造”和“甲级船舶设计”双重资质、C 级渔轮设计建造资质的骨干企业,国家二级计量单位,并获得《GB/T19001-2000-ISO9001:2000》质量体系认证。拥有固定资产净值5000余万元。公司拥有员工376人,各类专业技术人员43人,其中:高级职称8人,中、初级职称35人。产品遍布长江系及沿海各大港口,多次荣获部、省嘉奖、先进企业、优秀新产品和科技成果奖。
Jiangxi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (formerly Jiangxi Shipyard) was founded in 1950 and is the largest local state-owned shipbuilding enterprise in Jiangxi Province. It is the only backbone enterprise with the qualification of “Class I Vessel Design” and “Class A Vessel Design” and the design and construction qualification of Class C fishing vessel. It has also obtained the certificate of “GB / T19001-2000-ISO9001: 2000 ”quality certification. Net worth of more than 50 million yuan with fixed assets. The company has 376 employees, 43 various types of professional and technical personnel, including: 8 senior titles, junior and 35 junior titles. Products across the Yangtze River and coastal major ports, won several ministries, provincial awards, advanced enterprises, outstanding new products and scientific and technological achievements awards.