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前些丰成都市美容业尚处起步阶段之时,因消毒、清洁不严造成的美容质量事故时有发生。如今,随着该市美容业的发展和竞争的激烈,许多美容界人士都十分重视美容过程中的清洁卫生,并时兴无菌护肤服务,使成都市美容业再上档次。近日,记者来到山力美容院、西南美容中心、东方医学美容中心,看到这几家美容院环境都布置得幽雅、温馨、干净、整洁。据山力美容院经理介绍,该美容院里使用的凡与顾客接触的器械、毛巾等物都经过严格消毒,杀 Some of the first abundance Chengdu Cosmetology industry is still in its infancy, due to disinfection, cleaning caused by unsound beauty quality accidents have occurred. Nowadays, with the development and competition of the beauty industry in the city, many beauty professionals attach great importance to the cleanliness and beauty in the process of cosmetic treatment. Recently, the reporter went to the force of beauty salons, Southwest Beauty Center, Oriental Medical Beauty Center, see these beauty salon are arranged elegant, warm, clean and tidy. According to the beauty of beauty salon manager introduction, the beauty salon who used to contact with customers of equipment, towels and other things have been strictly disinfected, kill
人到老年以后,由于体质的日渐衰弱,染病的机会随之增多,因而企求药物强身尚不乏其人,有的甚至还把多吃药、吃好药当作养生之道,这实际上是一个很大的误区。 据德国医疗机构
菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus)是在我国快速发展的经济作物,近年来在新型糖、生物能源和功能饲料等领域得到了广泛应用.本文分析了菊芋品种'青芋1号'和'青芋3号'的生长发育特征
  The generalized Huff curve which contains Huffs model as a special case is introduced in this paper.It is shown that every elliptic curve with three points
Understanding the causes of the Sino-Japanese disjunctions in plant taxa has been a central question in eastern Asian biogeography,with vicariance or long-dista
玉米(Zea mays)籽粒中的代谢物是其营养品质形成的物质基础.为探究超甜玉米在籽粒成熟过程中代谢物的组成和变化规律,及其与普通玉米的异同,本研究采用核磁共振氢谱(1H nucle