The incidences and mortalities of major cancers in China, 2010

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lequ123123
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To estimate the cancer incidences and mortalities in China in 2010, the National Central Cancer Registry(NCCR) of China evaluated data for the year of 2010 from 145 qualified cancer registries covering 158,403,248 people(92,433,739 in urban areas and 65,969,509 in rural areas). The estimates of new cancer cases and cancer deaths were 3,093,039 and 1,956,622 in 2010, respectively. The percentage of morphologically verified cases were 67.11%; 2.99% of incident cases were identified through death certification only, with the mortality to incidence ratio of 0.61. The crude incidence was 235.23/100,000(268.65/100,000 in males and 200.21/100,000 in females). The age-standardized rates by Chinese standard population(ASR China) and by world standard population(ASR world) were 184.58/100,000 and 181.49/100,000, respectively, with a cumulative incidence(0-74 years old) of 21.11%. The crude cancer mortality was 148.81/100,000(186.37/100,000 in males and 109.42/100,000 in females). The ASR China and ASR world were 113.92/100,000 and 112.86/100,000, respectively, with a cumulative mortality of 12.78%. Lung, breast, gastric, liver, esophageal, colorectal, and cervical cancers were the most common cancers. Lung, liver, gastric, esophageal, colorectal, breast, and pancreatic cancers were the leading causes of cancer deaths. The coverage of cancer registration has rapidly increased in China in recent years and may reflect more accurate cancer burdens among populations living in different areas. Given the increasing cancer burden in the past decades, China should strengthen its cancer prevention and control. To estimate the cancer incidences and mortalities in China in 2010, the National Central Cancer Registry (NCCR) of China evaluated data for the year of 2010 from 145 qualified cancer registries covering 158,403,248 people (92,433,739 in urban areas and 65,969,509 in rural areas). The estimates of new cancer cases and cancer deaths were 3,093,039 and 1,956,622 in 2010, respectively. The percentage of morphologically verified cases were 67.11%; 2.99% of incident cases were identified through death certification only, with the mortality to incidence ratio of 0.61. The crude The age-standardized rates by Chinese standard population (ASR China) and by world standard population (ASR world) were 184.58 / 100,000 and 181.49 / 100,000, respectively. The incidence was 235.23 per 100,000 (268.65 / 100,000 in males and 200.21 / 100,000 in females) respectively, with a cumulative incidence (0-74 years old) of 21.11%. The crude cancer mortality was 148.81 / 100,000 (186.37 / 100,000 in males and 109.42 / 100,000 in females). The ASR China a Lung, breast, gastric, esophageal, colorectal, and cervical cancers were the most common cancers. nd ASR world were 113.92 / 100,000 and 112.86 / 100,000, respectively, with a cumulative mortality of 12.78%. Lung, liver, gastric, esophageal , the colorectal, breast, and pancreatic cancers were the leading causes of cancer deaths. The coverage of cancer registration has rapidly increased in China in recent years and may reflect more accurate cancer burdens among populations living in different areas. Given the increasing cancer burden in the past decades, China should manage its cancer prevention and control.
教学方法是在教学过程中,教师和学生为完成教学目的、任务所采取的途径和程序。它包括教师教的方法和学生学的方法及其相互之间的有机联系。任何教学活动都离不开方法,教学质量的高低与教学方法有密切的关系。心电图基础知识和基本技能的训练是中医教学工作的重要环节之一。笔者在心电图的教学过程中充分考虑中医大学生的特点,采用多种教学手段,探索教学方法的改进,取得了良好的效果。    一、课堂讲授    对于学生来说
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