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五山文学时期,从对中国诗词的模仿作品数量来看,苏轼可以说是对五山禅僧影响最大的中国诗人之一。苏轼诗学思想的一大特色体现在用典方面。本文从语典借鉴角度分析了五山文学时期日本汉诗创作中对苏轼文学中语典借鉴的特点及其反映出的美学倾向。从文学接受与阐释的时间早晚来看,五山文学早期,诗人们对《赠东林总长老》一诗语典的借鉴折射出对苏诗接受过程中的禅宗文化背景,并影响到后来的美学意趣;从题材来看,西湖题材受到诗家重视,反映出写景诗创作中对苏轼有关语典及诗家重视;从体裁来看,不限于诗,词、辞赋也是语典用典中的载体,反映出日本诗家对苏轼文学作品的熟稔、文学接受中的广泛受容;受苏诗“以俗为雅”美学思想影响,创作中表现出对俗语入诗的模仿,是宋代“以俗为雅”诗学思想在日本文学中的反映。本文还从明用、变用、合用三个方面探讨了语典使用方法。 During the period of Wushan literature, judging from the quantity of imitation works of Chinese poetry, Su Shi can be said to be one of the most influential Chinese poets to the Five Mountain Zen Monks. A major feature of Su Shi’s poetics is embodied in the usage of typical books. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the reference to the texts of Su Shi literature and the aesthetic tendency reflected in the creation of the Japanese poems in the Five Mountains during the period of the Five Mountains. In the early and later period of literary reception and interpretation, in the early period of Wushan literature, the poets’ reference to the poem “Poem Commendation of General Donglin” reflected the Zen cultural background in the acceptance of the poem and influenced the later aesthetics Interests; From the point of view, the theme of the West Lake by the poet, reflecting the writing of poems on Su Shi’s poems and poems; From the genre point of view, is not limited to poetry, Ci, Ci Fu is also a dictionary in the dictionary , Reflecting the familiarity of Japanese poets to Su Shi ’s literary works and his wide acceptance in literature acceptance. Influenced by the aesthetic thoughts of “vulgar and elegant” in the poems of Su Shi, Reflect vulgarity "poetics in Japanese literature. This article also discusses the method of using the dictionary from three aspects: use, change and combination.
【正】 【《瑞士原子能协会通报》1991年第6期第19页报道】如同1991年3月11日日本安全机构所宣布的那样,美滨核电厂2号机组蒸汽发生器管道不久前突然破裂是因蒸汽发生器管子
<正> 在过去几年中,硬磁盘的价格显著下降,除非在个人计算机中装上至少20MB 存储容量的硬磁盘,许多有用的计算机辅助设计 CAD 和数据传输协议 DTP 的程序就不能运行,可惜的是
<正> [英国《国际核工程》1989年12月号第36页报道]燃料后处理的第一步总是暴露燃料,以便溶解。热氧化物燃料的常用方法是剪切大块,使燃料组件切成约50毫米的长度,继之以成批