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扬麦三号,又称早红小麦,系江苏扬州地区农科所从扬麦一号的天然杂交后代中选育的。一九七六年引进上海郊区试种,表现早熟高产,一般平均亩产五、六百斤。适宜作单季晚稻和麦后移栽棉花或棉麦套种的前作。一九八三年,郊区种植面积达二十一万七干亩,是目前小麦“当家”的主要优良品种。栽培技术要抓好以下四点: (一)坚持适时播种,提高种子质量扬麦三号春性强,不能过早播种,十一月上旬播种较好,力争一次全苗,每亩有25~30万基本苗,五月底成熟,全生育期205天左右。选大粒种,籽粒饱满,酶活性强,麦粒含养分多,可为麦苗根、茎、叶的生长发育提供较多的有机养料。大粒种子出苗和齐苗期比“中粒种”早二天左右,出苗率比“中粒种”高2~8%。一九八二年,嘉定县精选“大粒种” Yangmai 3, also known as early red wheat, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province Department of Agricultural Sciences from Yangmai one of the natural hybrid progeny breeding. Introduced in suburbs in Shanghai in 1976 to try planting, showing early maturity and high yield, the average average yield of five or six pounds. Suitable for single season late rice and wheat transplanting cotton or cotton intercropping before. In 1983, the cultivated area in the suburbs reached 217,000 mu, which is now the main fine variety of “Dangsheng” wheat. Cultivation techniques should grasp the following four points: (A) adhere to the timely sowing and improve the quality of seeds Young spring on the 3rd spring strong, can not sow too early, early November sowing better, and strive to a full seedlings per acre 25 ~ 300,000 basic seedlings mature by the end of May, the whole growth period of about 205 days. Large grain selection, full grain, strong enzyme activity, grain and more nutrients, wheat seedling roots, stems and leaves to provide more growth and development of organic nutrients. Large seed germination and Qi seedling stage than the “medium seed” about two days, the emergence rate than the “medium seed” by 2 to 8%. In 1982, Jiading County selected “large seeds”
目的:研究rTα1和sTα1在小鼠和大鼠体内i.v.及s.c.的血药浓度-时间曲线、药动学参数和分布、排泄特点,比较rTα1和sTα1的药动学特征。 方法 :用竞争ELISA法测定rTα1
In flowering plants, the altating life cycle between diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte generations is completed through the synergistic action of sporo
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