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我县企业规模小,基础差,底子薄,在计划经济体制下,形成了包袱重、活力差、效益低的局面.尤其是在近年来,随着国家财政、税收、金融、计划、投资、外贸等宏观经济体制改革和政府职能的转换,多数企业的生存和发展面临着更加严峻的考验.目前各企业存在的问题,一方面是资金问题突出,另一方面是资产闲置大.因此,我们认为:搞好工商企业须以盘活现有资产存量为前提,在搞活工商企业中加强国有资产管理,在加强国有资产管理中搞活工商企业.一、推进闲置资产调剂工作,盘活存量国有资力针对企业闲置资产量大、综合利用率不高的实际情况,要积极开展国有资产调剂利用工作,通过盘活国有资产,做到既为企业融通资金,又可促进企业经营机制的转换,带来较好的经济效益和社会效益.可以从以下四个方面进行努力:一是把全县闲置资产状况及国有资产管理部门成立以来组织开展闲置资产调剂利用情况、存在的问题与对策等作为重点内容.二是制定政策和措施,促进盘活存量国有资产工作.要求,各部门和企业制定本部门、本企业闲置资产调剂工作规划和年度工作计划、年度预计调剂指标,并按季向国有资产管理部门报送调剂资料,奖励调剂工作成绩突出的单位和个人,对妨碍调剂的单位 My county’s enterprises are small in scale, poor in foundation, and poor in foundation. Under the planned economic system, they have created a situation of heavy burden, poor vitality, and low efficiency. Especially in recent years, with the national finance, taxation, finance, planning, investment, With the transformation of macroeconomic system reform and government functions such as foreign trade, the survival and development of most enterprises are facing more severe tests. Currently, the problems existing in various enterprises are, on the one hand, prominent funding problems, and on the other hand, large idle assets. Therefore, we It is believed that the improvement of industrial and commercial enterprises must be based on the premise of revitalizing the existing stock of assets, strengthening the management of state-owned assets in the rejuvenation of industrial and commercial enterprises, and invigorating industrial and commercial enterprises in strengthening the management of state-owned assets. I. Promoting idle-assets transfers and mobilizing stocks. The actual situation of large idle assets and low comprehensive utilization rate is to actively carry out the adjustment and utilization of state-owned assets, through the activation of state-owned assets, so as to achieve both the integration of funds for enterprises and the promotion of conversion of the operating mechanism of enterprises, bringing about better Economic and Social Benefits. Efforts can be made in the following four areas: First, the county’s idle assets and state-owned assets management department Since its inception, it has organized the development and utilization of idle assets, existing problems and countermeasures as the key content. The second is the formulation of policies and measures to promote the revitalization of stocks of state-owned assets. It is required that all departments and enterprises establish their own idle assets adjustment work Planning and annual work plans, annual adjustment targets, and quarterly reports to the state-owned asset management departments, rewarding units and individuals with outstanding performance in the swaps, and those that interfere with the adjustment
历经风雨洗礼,今日井冈山茅坪的八角楼显得格外凝重,那盏斑驳的油灯依然临窗摆放,砚台似乎还散发着昨日的墨香,一个伏案疾书的身影仿佛穿越时光,出现在我们眼前。 After yea
确立五个观念 提高运行质量江苏金湖县人民政府县长陈德昌我们金湖县乡以上工业固定资产不足5亿元,摊子少,规模小,属于工业欠发达的县份。1995年,我们在扩大总量的同时,运用激励机制和
在市场经济条件下,企业的生存和发展靠什么,众所周知靠市场、靠用优质产品占领市场.企业是商品的生产者和经营者,要使产品畅销不衰和占领市场,我认为要靠三个充 In the mark
本文讨论了当前中学英语词汇教学中普遍存在的问题, 即过分强调学生死记硬背单词的读音、词形和字典意义, 而忽略了词汇的搭配、用法、实际含义和语法特征,忽略了语境在词汇