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今天人类已进入充分利用大脑来提高智力的时代.给大脑以充足的营养,是智力发展的基础.从营养来说,大脑是个奢侈而挑剔的择食家.人体中脑是最活跃的器官,脑的重量虽只有人体重量的2%稍强.但脑所消耗的热量却占全身耗能热量的20%.对人体第一位的营养是蛋白质,而对于脑来说,却是脂肪.脑被头盖骨的坚固防护壁所保护.因脑细胞非常软弱,它不同于身体的其它组织细胞可以反复地进行增殖、新陈代谢.身体其它部位如果某一处损伤了,是可以很快治好或修复的.但是脑细胞却不同,一旦受到损坏,死去的脑细胞就无法再生.这是脑细胞致命的弱点.为什么脑细胞不能再生?这是因为大脑掌管着人的记忆、思想、情感等,同时它又是身体统一的管理中心,因此它必须长期记忆各种“情报”.如果每隔一段时期就有脑细胞死亡,而由新细胞代替,“情报”也就会发生混乱.知道了脑细胞的特点,我们就应当注意保证在脑发育 Today, mankind has entered the era of making full use of the brain to improve intelligence. To the brain to provide adequate nutrition is the basis of intellectual development .Nutrition, the brain is a luxury and critical choice of food .In the human brain is the most active organ, Although the body weight of the brain is only slightly more than 2% of the body weight, but the brain consumes calories accounted for 20% of the body’s energy consumption. The body’s first nutrition is protein, but for the brain, it is fat. It is protected by the rugged protective wall of the cranium, which is different from other tissues in the body due to the very weakness of the brain cells, which can be repeatedly proliferated and metabolized, and if the rest of the body is damaged, it can be cured or repaired quickly But the brain cells are different, once damaged, dead brain cells can not regenerate, which is a fatal weakness of brain cells Why brain cells can not regenerate? This is because the brain in charge of human memory, thoughts, emotions, etc., while it It is also the body’s unified management center, so it must long-term memory of a variety of “intelligence.” If every period of time there is a brain cell death, and replaced by new cells, “intelligence” will be chaos. Road characteristics of brain cells, we should pay attention to ensure that the developing brain
俗话说,“冬病夏治”,夏天治好冻疮,冬天就不会受罪了。现介绍两种根治冻疮的方法: 一、取新上市的紫皮独头蒜数只,去皮捣碎后,放在烈日下暴晒至热,然后将蒜汁涂在冬天患过
谷类食物中的赖氨酸量与鱼、肉、蛋等动物性食物中的赖氨酸量相比,其含量要较低,尤其是在加工、加热过程中,还要损失一部分(因其主要存在于谷类表层),所以 The amount of l