
来源 :辅导员 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenwenan
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一个基层少先队辅导员,团中央、全国少工委专门下文件表彰,并在北京召开她的事迹报告会向全国宣传;一个颇受孩子们喜爱的人物,《辅导员》杂志连续3年进行过数次长篇报道,还让她上了两次封面:一个默默耕耘于教育一线的人民教师,伴随改革开放的进程,不懈追求,不断创新,一步一个脚印地走过了不同寻常的人生轨迹,执著地为星星火炬增光添彩,她就是全国优秀辅导员贾福莲老师。曾多年担任辽宁省大连机车车辆厂子弟学校大队辅导员的贾福莲老师,在1997年建队纪念日前后成了新闻人物。全国各地广播、电视、报刊等媒体上频频出现她的身影,她的感人事迹也广为流传。11年后,忆起自己的成长历程,她感触最深的是改革开放给了她发辰的机遇,少先队事业充实了她人生的内涵,孩子们更给她带来了无限的力量和快乐!因此,她不愿意,也从未离开过孩子们。如今,作为大连市少年宫活动部部长,她仍忙碌于策划、组织孩子们的活动,让我们听一听她的最新感言—— A grassroots Young Pioneers counselor, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the National Working Committee under the special document recognition, and in Beijing held her deeds report to the national publicity; a popular child favorite character, “Counselor” magazine for 3 years Several lengthy reports also gave her a cover on two occasions: a people teacher who worked hard at the front line of education along with the process of reform and opening up, relentless pursuit and constant innovation, and went through the unusual path of life one step at a time To the star torch add luster, she is the national excellent counselor Jia Fulin teacher. Jia Fulin, who had served as a counselor for the children's school brigade of Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works for many years, became a news figure around the anniversary of the founding of the armed forces in 1997. She frequently appeared in the media such as radio, television, newspapers and periodicals across the country, and her moving stories were also widely circulated. Eleven years later, when I recalled my own course of development, she deepest deepened her chance of reform and opening up. The Young Pioneers career enriched the connotation of her life, and the children brought her infinite power and happiness. Therefore, She did not want to and never left the children. Now, as Minister of Children's Palace of Dalian, she is still busy planning and organizing children's activities, let us listen to her latest testimony -
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