1942年10月2日清晨,日轮“里斯本丸”满载日军从香港掳劫来的珍贵财宝及2200多英军、侨民人质,驶离香港,途经舟山青浜岛北首外甩山公海开往日本。 当里斯本丸靠近青浜岛7海里处,突然发出一声震天巨响,一股巨大的水柱冲天而起,在高空中闪耀出眩目的光彩。霎时,巨轮的尾部“哗”地沉入大海,头部向上翘起,巨轮上大批人和财物坠入汪洋之中。当时,正值东风狂潮,一道道开花浪仿佛张开血盆大口,翻卷着漩涡,吞噬着一个个落水者。
On the morning of October 2, 1942, the day-round “Lisbon Pills” loaded with precious treasures plundered by the Japanese from Hong Kong and hostage of more than 2,200 British and Chinese nationals left Hong Kong and passed through the open sea to the north coast of Qingpu Island in Zhoushan Japan. When the Lisbon Pills near the sea boracay Island 7 nautical miles, suddenly issued a huge earthquake, a huge water column sky, in the sky shining dazzling glory. Instant, the tail of the wheel “Wow” sink into the sea, head tilt up, a large number of people on the wheel and belongings plunging into the ocean. At that time, at a time when the east wind frenzy, a flow of flowers seemed to open the floodgates big mouth, rolled whirlpool, devouring a drowning person.