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《皇越春秋》是一部以汉文写作的越南古代长篇历史小说,共六十回,记述天圣元年庚展至顺天元年戊申年间的越南史事。以汉文的形式侧重描写越南与中国封建王朝的深刻矛盾纠葛,这使《皇越春秋》在诸多越南汉文小说中格外引人注目,本文着力探讨《皇越春秋》的创作技巧与中国历史演义小说之间的密切的内在联系,关注其文化精神与中国文化传统的异同。《皇越春秋》的文本结构形态显示其直接脱胎于中国古代章回小说的体制特点,而其文本的多处具体写法,都体现出《三国演义》的直接影响。《皇越春秋》的写作技法、题旨精神具有如下突出特点:叙述宏大历史题材时采用了多线索交织的叙事结构;长于描写战争场景,特别是展示运筹帷幄的种种战争谋略;在刻画人物时歌颂智勇忠义的理想人格;寄托了儒家的正统的历史观和仁德治世的政治观,这些都显示出《皇越春秋》对中国传统儒家文化的接受,和对《三国演义》的直接继承。《皇越春秋》不同于中国古代史料、小说的民族叙事特征,则体现了它作为越南民族的历史演义小说所承载的民族精神和独立意识。 The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Yellow Emperor is a Vietnamese historical novels written in Chinese, a total of 60 times. It narrates the history of Vietnam during the first year of Genshen from Gengnun to Genshen. Emphasizing the profound contradictions and disputes between Vietnam and China’s feudal dynasties in the form of Chinese, this makes the “Spring and Autumn of the Empress and the Yue” particularly attractive in many Vietnamese Chinese novels. This paper focuses on the creative techniques of the “Spring and Autumn of Huang, Yue, Yue” and the Chinese historical novels Close relationship between the focus on its cultural spirit and the similarities and differences between Chinese cultural traditions. The textual structure and form of “The Spring and Autumn of Huang, Yue and Yue” shows that it is born directly from the characteristics of the system of the ancient Chinese novels, and that the detailed writing of the texts reflects the direct influence of The Romance of Three Kingdoms. The writing techniques and theme motif of “The Spring and Autumn of Huang, Yue and Yue” have the following salient features: narrative structure with multiple clues and intertwined narratives when describing grand historical themes; longer than all kinds of war strategies depicting war scenes, especially showcasing tactics; The ideal personality of loyalty and righteousness, the orthodox historical view of Confucianism and the political outlook of virtue and morality, all of which show the acceptance of traditional Chinese Confucianism by the Spring and Autumn of Huang, Yue, and the direct inheritance of The Romance of Three Kingdoms. Unlike the narrative features of the ancient Chinese historical materials and novels, the “Spring and Autumn of Huang, Yue and Qiu” embody the national spirit and independence as the historical novel of the Vietnamese nation.
现实主义死了么?  在信奉“出名要趁早”的中国人眼里,爱丽丝·门罗几乎是个奇迹。  这位早早婚嫁、育有四女(二女儿不幸夭折)的家庭主妇,虽然从19岁就开始写作,却要到37岁时,才出版第一部作品。50岁之后,她的创作力全面爆发,“真正开始拥有自己的生活”。  当她以82岁高龄获得2013年诺贝尔文学奖时,中国只有她一部作品的译本一由8个中篇组成的小说集《逃离》(北京十月文艺出版社,2009年7月)。