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目的了解北京市大兴区居民家庭健康测量工具配备和使用情况,为合理推荐健康测量工具,推广健康测量工具的正确使用方法提供依据。方法对北京市大兴区2个街道4个居委会200户在本区居住半年及以上、并愿意配合调查的居民家庭中1名20~79岁家庭成员进行问卷调查,内容包括家庭及个人基本信息、家庭健康测量工具配备及使用情况和个人血压监测情况等。运用SPSS 15.0统计软件进行数据分析,包括统计学描述和χ2检验进行不同组率的比较。结果 200名调查对象男性和女性各100人,平均年龄(42.14±16.13)岁,以大学及以上文化程度为主。调查对象高血压患病率为29.5%(59/200)。200户家庭体温计的配备率最高(92.5%),视力表的配备率最低(13.0%);配备血压计的139户家庭中,上臂式电子血压计、台式水银血压计和腕式电子血压计的比例分别为53.9%、41.79%和9.4%,其中有6户家庭拥有多种血压计。配备并使用限量盐勺家庭中,能正确使用的占77.9%(88/113),配备控油壶的家庭能正确使用的仅占44.4%(59/133)。知晓成人每天限盐量和控油量的调查对象分别为80.7%(121/150)和56.4%(75/133),两者均知晓的占50.4%(59/117)。调查对象血压测量地点以在家测量为主,占51.5%(103/200),但能够正确测量血压者不足一半。高血压患者以在家测量为主者比例较高,而血压正常者在医疗机构测量居多。认为上臂式电子血压计最适合家庭测量者占50.5%(101/200)。调查对象血压监测情况在性别、年龄和文化程度方面差异均无统计学意义。结论加强家庭健康测量工具的配备及正确使用方法的宣传和培训,指导其定期测量,早期发现高血压危险因素,便于及时采取干预措施,降低发病。 Objective To understand the equipment and use of household health measurement tools in Daxing District, Beijing, and to provide the basis for the proper recommendation of health measurement tools and the promotion of proper use of health measurement tools. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on 200 family members from 4 neighborhoods in 2 streets in Daxing District of Beijing for six months or more who are willing to cooperate with the surveyed residents aged from 20 to 79. The survey includes basic information about families and individuals, Family health measurement tools and use of equipment and personal blood pressure monitoring and so on. SPSS15.0 statistical software for data analysis, including statistical description and χ2 test for comparison of different groups. Results The surveyed 200 males and 100 females, with an average age of (42.14 ± 16.13) years, were mainly college students and above. The prevalence of hypertension was 29.5% (59/200). 200 family thermometer with the highest rate of equipment (92.5%), visual acuity chart with the lowest rate (13.0%); equipped with a sphygmomanometer in 139 households, the arm blood pressure monitor, desktop mercury sphygmomanometer and wrist sphygmomanometer The proportions were 53.9%, 41.79% and 9.4% respectively, of which 6 families had multiple sphygmomanometers. 77.9% (88/113) of the households with and using the limited salt scoop were able to use correctly, while only 44.4% (59/133) of the households with oil control pots used correctly. The level of salt tolerance and oil control were 80.7% (121/150) and 56.4% (75/133) respectively, both of which were known to be 50.4% (59/117). The subjects surveyed were home-based, accounting for 51.5% (103/200), but less than half were able to correctly measure blood pressure. Hypertensive patients with a high proportion of home-based measurement, while those with normal blood pressure in medical institutions to measure the majority. It is considered that the upper arm type electronic sphygmomanometer is the most suitable for home surveyers accounted for 50.5% (101/200). There was no significant difference in gender, age and educational level among the surveyed subjects. Conclusion To strengthen the publicity and training on the provision of family health measurement tools and the proper use of methods to guide their regular measurement and early detection of hypertension risk factors so as to facilitate the prompt intervention and reduce the incidence.