新年寄语——认清形势 扎实工作

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大地春回,万象更新。全国人民在欢歌笑语声中送走了胜利的1995年,满怀信心地迎来了更加令人振奋的1996年。 1996年,是我国国民经济和社会发展第九个五年计划的第一年。机械工业广大职工,正在认真学习《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标的建议》(以下简称《建议》)思考更好地肩负起振兴机械、汽车工业的使命。 此时此刻,我们特别提倡要认清形势,札实工作。 首先要认识我们要自立于世界民族之林,必须要努力提高综合国力。中国的近代史已经充分说明,落后就会挨打。过去前扑后继,推翻“三座大山”,今日改革开放,建设社会主义,都是为了国家富强,人民安康。当今,总有那么一股势力,想在民族、宗教、人权等等方面制造矛盾,妄图达到使我们“西化”、“分化”、“弱化”的目的。中国解决所有问题的关键是要靠自己的发展。所以《建议》要求:“我们必须以高度的历史责任感和时代紧迫感,继续集中力量进行经济建设,进一步发展和壮大自己。”“我们必须居安思危,奋发图强。”机械工业作为国民经济的装备部和人民生活的服务部,在发展生产力,增强综合国力,提高人民生活中责任重大。 《建议》指出:“实现‘九五’和2010年的奋斗目标,关键是实行两个具有全局意义的根本性转变,一是? The earth will return in spring and Vientiane will be updated. In 1995, the people of the country took away the victory in singing and laughing, and ushered in a more exciting year of 1996 with confidence. In 1996, it was the first year of the ninth five-year plan for China’s national economy and social development. The workers of the machinery industry are conscientiously studying the “Suggestions of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the Ninth Five-Year Plan for the National Economy and Social Development and the Long-Term Objectives of 2010” (hereinafter referred to as the “Proposal”) and thinking better about shouldering the revitalization machinery and auto industry. mission. At this moment, we particularly advocate that we must understand the situation and work hard. First of all, we must realize that we must stand by the world’s national forests and we must strive to improve the overall national strength. The modern history of China has fully demonstrated that backwardness will be beaten. In the past, the “three mountains” were overthrown, and today’s reform and opening up and the building of socialism are all for the country’s prosperity and strength and the people’s well-being. Today, there are always forces that want to create contradictions in terms of ethnicity, religion, human rights, and so on, in a vain attempt to achieve the goal of “Westernizing,” “dividing,” and “weakening.” The key to solving all problems in China is to rely on its own development. Therefore, the “Proposal” requires: “We must continue to concentrate our efforts on economic development and further develop and strengthen ourselves with a high sense of historical responsibility and sense of urgency.” “We must be prepared for danger in times of peace and strive to make our country strong.” The machinery industry as the Ministry of Economy of the National Economy and The service department of the people’s lives has a heavy responsibility in developing productivity, enhancing overall national strength, and improving people’s lives. The “Proposal” pointed out: "The key to achieving the goal of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the 2010 struggle is to implement two fundamental changes that have global significance. First, what?
由宝山钢铁(集团)公司、日本新日铁制钢株式会社和浙甬钢铁投资(宁波)有限公司合资兴建的宝甬特钢工程已于日前签署了《基本协议书》。 The Baosteel Special Steel Projec
为减轻农民负担,本人就农电企业如何服务农民,结合我县实际谈一些粗浅的看法,供参考.1 抓好乡站建设是搞好农电工作的重要举措 To reduce the burden on peasants, I would