Au(Cu)Ore-Fluid Dynamics in Bordering OrogenicBelt of Simao-Nanping Basin, Yunnan Province

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lbo
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The paleohydrogeologic condition and the tectonic stress field during the mineralization epoch of the Au (Cu) ore fluid in the bordering orogenic belt of Simao-Nanping basin reveal that the complicated paleohydrodynamic condition during the Devonian-Carboniferous period in the northern Ailao-shan was favorable for the pre-enrichment of the mineral elements, and that the migration and the distribution of the groundwater were controlled by the tectonic stress field and driven by temperature and hydraulic gradients during the Yanshan-Himalayan movement epoch. Therefore, the determination of the low-pressure zone of the maximum principal stress is effective for the location of the Au deposits (ore spots). The paleohydrogeologic condition and the tectonic stress field during the mineralization epoch of the Au (Cu) ore fluid in the bordering orogenic belt of Simao-Nanping basin reveal that the complicated paleohydrodynamic condition during the Devonian-Carboniferous period in the northern Ailao-shan was favorable for the pre-enrichment of the mineral elements, and that the migration and the distribution of the groundwater were controlled by the tectonic stress field and driven by temperature and hydraulic gradients during the Yanshan-Himalayan movement epoch. Thus, the determination of the low- pressure zone of the maximum principal stress is effective for the location of the Au deposits (ore spots).
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