
来源 :蒙古史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beijingmonkey
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清廷在统治蒙古的过程中,根据统治需要把蒙古分为外藩和内属两个部分。外藩蒙古包括内、外扎萨克诸旗,在地方上有较大的自治权,具有封建领地的性质。而内属蒙古则主要指那些由于反叛清廷被剥夺了领地和部小人稀无资格设立扎萨克旗的蒙古部落,清廷把他们编成都统旗或总管旗,委派都统或总管管理,由清廷直辖。归化城土默特二旗属于内属蒙古旗,这应该不成问题,但在嘉庆以前的官方文献中却把此二旗归在外藩内扎萨克旗之列,并往往与之相提并论,这个特点往往被后世研究者所忽略,笔者撰写此文,试图说明此二旗与外藩内扎萨克旗和内属蒙古旗的异同,以及从外藩向内属的转化过程。 In the process of reigning Mongolia, the Qing court divided Mongolia into two parts: the outer fan and the inner part according to the ruling need. Outer-border Mongolia, including the inside and outside the Zaza Sake flags, have greater autonomy in the area, with the nature of feudal territory. Inner Mongolia, on the other hand, mainly refers to the Mongol tribes who were deprived of their territories and minor villains by the rebellion of the Qing court and who were not eligible to establish the Zazakh Banner in the Qing Dynasty. , Administered by the Qing court. Domestication of the city Tumeer Erqi belong within the Mongolian flag, which should not be a problem, but in Jiaqing before the official literature, however, the two flags belong to outside the fan Zaza Sake flag of the column, and often with the same, this Characteristics are often overlooked by future generations of researchers, the author wrote this article, trying to illustrate the similarities and differences between the two flags and the outer Zazaar and Inner Mongolia flags, as well as from the outer fan to the inner conversion process.
本文在给出了液压挖掘机反铲工作装置模块化设计方法的整体思路之后,讨论了反铲工作装置基本机构模块库的生成方法和最优反铲工作装置自动拼装的算法,最后还作了实例计算。 Af
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