搞好跨国经营 必须实现几个转变

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我国改革开放以来,各行各业竞相参与国际市场竞争,加强涉外合资、合作,而对外经济技术合作企业(以下简称外经企业)理所当然地成了我国从事跨国经营的排头兵.通过十几年的对外实践,就其经营效果来看,虽然经济效益不尽相同,管理和运作方式各不一样,经营领域也存在差异,但由于其涉足激烈竞争的国际市场时间短,经验少,力量薄,导致一部分企业失败的教训多于成功的经验.笔者认为,要真正搞好跨国经营,在国际市场上占有一席之地必须实现以下几个转变.一、由单纯“窗口”型向商品型与经营管理型的结合转变.过去,由于我国外经企业较少,有些企业一直停留在以对外垄断过日子,以卖“牌子”收管理费为生计.随着国际经济的不断发展,境内市场国际化程度不断提高,对外合作步伐进一步加快,到1995年底,全国具有对外承包劳务经营权的企业就由1987年的10余家猛增到500多家,还有一批有相当实力的企业获得了在境外开展业务的资格,每个行业、每个省、市一个“窗口”对外的管理体制也被打破,使境内外经企业之间竞争进一步加剧,导致对外窗口地位衰减,对外“牌子”贬值. Since China’s reform and opening up, all industries and industries have competed to participate in international market competition and foreign-related joint ventures and cooperation have been strengthened. Foreign economic and technological cooperation enterprises (hereinafter referred to as foreign-funded enterprises) have rightly become the vanguard of China’s multinational operations. In practice, in terms of its operating results, although the economic benefits are not the same, the management and operation methods are different, and the operating areas are also different. However, due to the short time, low experience, and thin strength of the international market in which it is involved in fierce competition, it results in The failure of business is more than the success of the experience. The author believes that to truly improve transnational operations, to occupy a place in the international market must achieve the following changes. First, from the simple “window” type to the combination of product type and management type In the past, due to the small number of foreign companies in China, some companies have stayed in foreign monopolies and used “brands” to collect management fees for their livelihood. With the continuous development of the international economy, the degree of internationalization of the domestic market has continued to increase. The pace of cooperation was further accelerated. By the end of 1995, more than 10 enterprises in the country that had the right to operate foreign contracted labor The number of homes has soared to more than 500. There are also a number of companies with considerable strength who are qualified to conduct business abroad. Each industry, each province, and city has a “window” of external management system has also been broken, so that domestic and foreign The competition among enterprises has further intensified, resulting in the decline of the status of external windows and the devaluation of foreign “brands”.
青年论文奖正在征文中国城市规划学会主办、青年工作委员会和《城市规划》杂志承办的“第 2届中国城市规划学会青年论文奖” (暨第八届全国青年城市规划论文竞赛 )征文工作已
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