破解规律 高效答题——例谈现代文阅读选择题肢命制方法

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目前,高考对一般论述类阅读、自然科学类文章阅读、社科类文章阅读的考查,大都采用选择题的形式。俗话说,知己知彼,百战不殆。考生若能对命题者命制选择题肢的方法有所了解,就必然能提高解题的速度及精准度。下面,笔者就和大家一道来探究一下选择题肢命制中的奥秘,以便在今后的解题中能高奏凯歌。从文字上看,高考的现代文阅读选择题肢几乎没有照录原文语句的,大都是对文章内容要点和文中涉及的观点态度的转述。判断这些转述是否符合原文意思,要求考生必须在全面理解文章的基础上、整合相关信息,下一番分析综合、概括提炼的工夫。不过,从选择题肢的表述方式看,还是有规律可循的。目前,命题者在命制选择题肢时基本采用如下三种方式:概括式转述、具体式转述、同义变式转述。 At present, college entrance examination for general discourse review, reading of natural science articles, social science articles, most of the tests used in the form of multiple choice questions. As the saying goes, know yourself, know yourself. If the examinee can choose the method of choosing the subject's limbs to understand the proposition, it will inevitably improve the speed and accuracy of the problem-solving. Next, I will work with you to explore the mystery of the selection of the subject of the system, in order to solve the problem in the future can play triumphal. From the literal point of view, college entrance examination of modern text reading almost no original sentences recorded the original sentence, mostly on the content of the article and the views involved in the attitude of the retweet. To determine whether these submissions are in line with the original meaning, requiring candidates must fully understand the article based on the integration of relevant information, the next analysis of comprehensive, summary refining time. However, from the choice of the way the statement of the limbs, there is a rule to follow. At present, the propositional people use the following three methods in the choice of the subject limbs: the recapitulation method, the specific method and the synonymous method.
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