松黄星象虫(Pissodes nitidus Roelofs)分布于东北林区,主要以幼虫为害红松、油松、樟子松。一般为害衰弱木和病腐木,有时为害幼树。近几年在小兴安岭鸟敏河、上甘岭林业局栽培的红松受害比较严重,大面积林木被害成灾。据1973年调查,仅上甘岭蔚兰经营所就有近2万亩红松幼林被害。伊春地区的红松人工幼林均不同程度地受害,并有逐渐蔓延的趋势。鉴于国内有关报道不多,现将在辽宁省庄河和凤城地区对松黄星象虫的一些观察结果简报如下。
Pissodes nitidus Roelofs distributed in the northeastern region, the main larvae damage Korean pine, pine, Pinus sylvestris. Generally damage the weak wood and diseased wood, sometimes saplings. In recent years in the small Xinganling Torimin River, Shangganling Forestry Bureau pine is more serious damage, a large area of trees killed. According to a survey conducted in 1973, there were nearly 20,000 mu of young Korean pine forest slaughtered in the Shanglangling-Ulan business alone. The young plantations of Pinus koraiensis in Yichun were all affected to varying degrees and had a tendency to spread gradually. In view of the small domestic reports, now in Zhuanghe and Fengcheng areas of Liaoning Province, some observations on the phenomenon of pine yellow star elemnts as follows.