迈出新步伐 开创新局面——全省宣传工作会议综述

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全省宣传工作会议于2月22日至24日在兰州召开。会议传达了全国宣传部长会议精神和省委关于宣传思想工作的指示,回顾总结了十四大以来和1997年的工作,分析形势,统一思想,讨论制定了1998年全省宣传工作要点并做出具体部署。省委书记阎海旺从全省工作总体布局的高度,从跨世纪宣传思想工作所肩负的历史使命,阐述了宣传工作的指导思想、工作任务和总体目标。省委副书记赵志宏对宣传思想工作提出了“高举旗帜,突出重点,务求实效”的12字总要求。省委常委、宣传部长石宗源就十四大以来和1997年的宣传思想工作做了简要回顾,并具体安排了1998年的宣传思想工作。省委宣传部副部长顾军对会议做了总结。会议确定的今年宣传思想工作的指导思想是:高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心,牢牢把握正确舆论导向,大力加强精神文明建 The provincial propaganda work meeting was held in Lanzhou from February 22 to February 24. The meeting conveyed the spirit of the national propaganda ministerial meeting and the provincial Party committee’s instructions on propaganda and ideological work. The meeting reviewed and summarized the work done since the 14th CPC National Congress and in 1997, analyzed the situation and uniformed thinking, discussed and formulated the key points of the propaganda work for the province in 1998, and made Specific deployment. Provincial Party Secretary Yan Haiwang from the height of the overall layout of the province’s work, from cross-century propaganda and ideological work shoulder the historical mission, elaborated the propaganda work guiding ideology, tasks and overall objectives. Zhao Zhihong, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, put forward the “12-word” general requirement of “holding high the banner, focusing on the key points and seeking actual results” for propaganda and ideological work. Shi Zongyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Propaganda Department, made a brief review of the work on propaganda and ideology since the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and publicized his ideological work in 1997 and arranged the propaganda and ideological work in 1998 specifically. Gu Jun, vice minister of Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, made a summary of the meeting. The guiding ideology of this year’s propaganda and ideological work set forth by the meeting is: Hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, center closely on the center of economic construction, firmly grasp the correct orientation of public opinion, and vigorously strengthen the building of a spiritual civilization
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