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工会是决定企业工资水平的影响因素之一。在研究工会决定工资水平的机理基础上,本文分析了工会工资决定能力及其影响因素,认为工会工资决定能力受政治制度、工会组织形式、文化背景等因素的影响。现阶段由于缺乏独立性和代表性,我国工会的集体谈判能力较低,决定工资水平的作用远远没有发挥出来。在现行制度下要发挥工会的作用需要党和政府的支持。要提高工会的集体谈判能力,一是要进行政治体制改革,重新对工会进行定位;二是要加强工会自身建设;三是进行工资集体协商的制度与组织建设;四是加强产业民主、企业社会责任的舆论宣传和文化建设。 Trade unions are one of the factors that determine the wage level of an enterprise. On the basis of studying the mechanism that the trade union decides the wage level, this paper analyzes the ability of the trade union to determine the wage and its influencing factors. It considers that the ability to determine the wage of the trade union is influenced by such factors as the political system, the form of trade union organization and the cultural background. Due to the lack of independence and representation at this stage, the collective bargaining power of our trade unions is low, and the role of determining wage levels is far from being realized. To play the role of trade unions under the current system needs the support of the party and the government. To improve the collective bargaining power of the trade unions, we must first carry out the reform of the political system and reposition the trade unions. The second is to strengthen the self-construction of the trade unions. The third is to set up systems and organizations for the collective bargaining of wages. The fourth is to strengthen industrial democracy, Responsibility of public opinion and cultural development.
Supported by the National Natural Science Fund(NSFC) Project Theoretical Designing of Multi-Layer Cooperative Wireless Networks (Award No.:60472027) and the NSF
成本管理和核算是企业提升管理水平,提高经济效益,提高资金使用效益和使用效率的重要管理手段。本文围绕企业会计成本核算介绍了企业成本管理的内容,并就企业成本核算方式行了分析。  一、企业成本核算概述  成本管理核算是企业管理的重要内容。进一步提升企业成本核算管理的科学性和准确性,能够为企业管理者科学决策提供有用的成本管理战略信息。进一步理清企业在行业内地位,明确关联关系,通过准确的业务和市场管理定位,
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可能你已经知道了rain cats and dogs 的含义为“下倾盆大雨”,但你知道这个短语是怎样衍生而来的吗?下雨就下雨,怎可能从天上掉下来猫和狗呢?下雨同猫及狗是怎样扯上关系的