
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianyi666
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中国军事法学在进入21世纪时, 已经构建了学科体系, 初步确立了中国军事法的体系框架, 对军事法制建设和依法治军的研究取得了丰硕的成果, 但军事理论法学还没有真正建立起来,研究的范围也还局限在传统的领域。21 世纪初期 (2020 年前), 我国经济体制的转变和世界性的新军事革命, 将使军队 “三化”建设进入更高的层次, 准备应对高技术局部战争将更加紧迫。这些都要求军事法学为其提供及时、有效的服务。因此, 中国军事法学在21 世纪初期的创新, 应着力于建设军事理论法学、深化依法治军研究和高技术局部战争法律问题的研究, 拿出切实管用的成果。在全局上, 要继续以邓小平新时期军事法制建设理论为指导; 在具体工作中, 坚持有限目标和局部优势、学科平衡和重点发展、开放性研究等原则, 并采取一系列相应的措施。 At the time of entering the 21st century, Chinese military jurisprudence has constructed a system of disciplines and initially established the system framework of Chinese military law. It has made fruitful achievements in the study of the construction of military legal systems and the operation of the army by law. However, the theory of military theoretical jurisprudence has not yet been established , The scope of the study is also limited to the traditional areas. In the early 21st century (before 2020), the transformation of China’s economic system and the worldwide new military revolution will bring the “three modernization” of military construction to a higher level and prepare for dealing with high-tech local wars. All these require that military law provide them with timely and effective services. Therefore, the innovation of Chinese military law in the early 21st century should focus on building military theoretical jurisprudence, deepening the research on the law-based military research and the high-tech local war law, and come up with the practical results. In the overall situation, we should continue to be guided by Deng Xiaoping’s theory of military legal construction in the new era; in specific work, we will adhere to the principles of limited objectives and local advantages, disciplinary balance and key development, and open research, and adopt a series of corresponding measures.
挖潜降耗、控制成本一直是鄂钢烧结分厂的重点工作,1996年节约生产成本1130万元,其中在设备降耗方面,重点抓了以下几点。 1.严格控制检修项目的外委费用。要求外委的项目一
1、养路费和车船使用税,一年大约需1200元。 2、车辆保险费。(1)车身保险,六座以下轿车的基本保险是340元,加车价乘1.2%;(2)车价保险费用四个档次;5万元、10万元、50万元、10