
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czhaoguof
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江苏省徐州市建立的78个责任区刑警中队分为“队管队”和“所管队”两种建队模式。“队管队”模式状况“队管队”,即驻所刑警中队在行政管理上不隶属派出所,直接隶属分局刑警大队管理。通过运行,大家认为实行“队管队”有如下好处: 一是落实了破案责任制,刑警中队成为刑侦部门最基层的战斗实体。率先实行“队管队”的市区鼓楼分局通过明确刑警大队、中队、民警的破案责任和责任区,形成了刑侦专业化破案体制的新模式,刑警们普遍反映“工作压力比以前大了,破案的动力比以前强了,盯案子更有耐力了”。该分局新体制运行后的1998年8-12月份,破各类刑事案件804起,其中大案358起,现行案件698起,捕、教人头270名,均比改革前的1-6月份成倍提高。刑侦部门攻坚克难能力有所增强,督办大案数居全市之首。二是适应打防并举的需要,是刑侦改革的方向。不是什么 Criminal Zone Squadron of 78 areas of responsibility established in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, is divided into two types: “team management team” and “management team”. “Team management team” model status “Team management team”, that is, the Interpol Squadron in the administration does not belong to the police station, directly under the sub-branch Interpol Brigade management. Through the operation, we believe that the implementation of “team management team” has the following advantages: First, the implementation of the responsibility system for solving crimes, Interpol squadron criminal investigation department as the most basic fighting entity. By taking the lead in implementing the “Team Management Team”, the Urban Drum Tower Branch has established a new model of criminal investigation specialized case detection system by clarifying the responsibility and responsibility area of ​​investigation of Interpol Brigade, Squadron and Civil Police. Interpol generally reflects that “the work pressure is larger than before, The power to solve the case stronger than before, staring at the case more stamina. ” In the period from August to December 1998 after the new system of the branch was commissioned, 804 criminal cases of all kinds were broken, of which 358 were major crimes, 698 were in operation, 270 were captured and taught, both of which were higher than those of the previous 1-6 months Times higher. Criminal investigation department tackle difficult to strengthen the ability to supervise the number of large-scale supervision of the city’s first. The second is to adapt to the needs of both prevention and control, is the direction of criminal investigation reform. Not what
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