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革命战争年代,在硝烟弥漫的蒙山沂水,党和人民军队为了人民利益出生入死、喋血苦战,沂蒙人民在党的领导下舍生忘死、奋勇支前,共同锻造了“爱党爱军、开拓奋进、艰苦创业、无私奉献”的沂蒙精神。在和平建设和改革开放的进程中,沂蒙精神与时俱进、锤炼升华,成为山东人民密切党群关系、推动经济社会发展的力量源泉。沂蒙精神与延安精神、井冈山精神、西柏坡精神一样,是党和国家的宝贵财富,其本质是党同人民的血肉相连、鱼水相依,是群众路线教育实践活动的生动教材。 In the era of revolutionary war, in the smoke-filled Mengshan Yishui, the party and people’s army were born and mortals for the sake of the people’s interests and died in bloody battles. The Yimeng people sacrificed their lives and gave birth to their lives under the leadership of the party and worked together to forge “ , Pioneering and pioneering, arduous pioneering, selfless dedication ”Yimeng spirit. In the process of peace building and reform and opening up, the spirit of Yimeng has been advancing with the times and tempered and sublimated so that it has become the source of strength for the people of Shandong in the relations between the party and the masses and the promotion of economic and social development. Yimeng’s spirit, like Yanan’s spirit, Jinggangshan’s spirit and Xibaipo’s spirit, is a precious asset for the party and the country. Its essence is that the party is connected with the people’s flesh and blood and fish and water and is a vivid teaching material for the practice of mass line education.
对尿素汽提塔旋流器改造前后的结构进行了全面系统的分析与比较,指出存在的问题及优缺点,通过改造大大提高了汽提塔旋流器的密封效果。 The structure of urea stripping cy
制浆造纸工厂设备产生无机盐污垢会增加操作费用,延长停机时间和增加设备维修次数。美国农林部林产品实验室科技人员提供了几种消除这种无 Pulp and paper mill equipment t
中国化工报2010-6-09报道:随着一批国产大型二氧化氯制备反应器的相继投运,国外公司长期垄断大型二氧化氯装置制造技术的局面终于被打破。 China Chemical Industry News 20
Objective: The renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system(RAAS)plays an important role in the control of renal function both in physiological and pathological condi