Magnetic susceptibility variations of carbonates controlled by sea-level changes--Examples in Devoni

来源 :中国科学D辑(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyuan1984
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This paper presents magnetic susceptibility results of 578 samples from three Devono-Carboniferous carbonate successions in the Yangtze Block. They indicate that the magnetic susceptibility variations in carbonates are controlled by ancient sea-level changes. It is particularly so if the supply of detrital materials was low, when the magnetic susceptibility was mainly controlled by the content of authigenic minerals. If the supply of detrital materials was high, the average susceptibility value would be higher, but there is still a correlation between susceptibility and sea-level curves. A sea level rise would lead to a decrease in the content of the detrital materials, and therefore to a decrease in the susceptibility values. On the top of HST, the uplift and exposure events may lead to elevated magnetic susceptibility values. Carbonate susceptibilities can therefore be considered as one of the environmental proxy data for the research of sequence stratigraphy.
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