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   Thank you. Thank you very much. President Turner, thanks. Members of the Board of Trustees, Provost Ludden, faculty, staff, distinguished guests, parents, and-most importantly-the Class of 2015, I(Applause.)… I thank you for your warm welcome, and I appreciate the invitation to be with you.
   You know, when I mentioned this speech to some pals, they were surprised I was going to give it. (Laughter.) I haven’t given a commencement address since leaving office. You know, my decision is quite practical. So I got a call from my landlord- (laughter)-Gerald Turner. (Laughter.)Rather than raising the rent or threatening to with hold our security deposit-(laughter)-I wasrelieved to hear President Turner ask if I believed in free speech. (Applause.) I said yeah. He said,“Perfect. Here’s your chance to give one.” (Laughter and applause.)
   我和我的朋友们提到这次演讲时,他们都感到很惊讶。(笑声)自从卸任以来,我还没有发表过毕业演讲。我决定来演讲的原因很实际,我接到了房东的电话——(笑声)——杰拉德·泰纳。(笑声)我心想他是不是要涨租金或是要扣住我们的押金呢?——(笑声)——还好,泰纳校长只是问我是否相信言论自由,我松了口气。(掌声)我说信啊,他说: “那太好了,那你就来我这里免费演讲一次吧。”(笑声和掌声)
   小编讲解:关于决定来演讲的原因,小布什解释得风趣幽默。这里有两个表达值得一提,一个是pal,意思是“朋友,伙伴,哥们儿”,这是个非常口语化的词;另一个是be relieved to,意思是“(听到,看到,发现)……时松了口气,如释重负”。
   例如:The word’s all over the street. Lynne is gonna give you a promotion,pal.
   She’s relieved to know that the flood has been controlled。
   Most of all, I congratulate the members of the Class of 2015. You worked hard to reach this milestone. You leave with life long friends and fond memories. You will always remember how much you enjoyed the right to buy a required campus meal plan. (Laughter.) You’ll remember your frequent battles with the Park ‘N’ Pony Office. (Laughter.) And you may or may not remember those productive nights at the Barley House. (Laughter and applause.)
   You were founding members of the mighty SMU Mob, bouncing like mad and watching in wonder as your then-Student Body President, Senor Lobster-(laughter)-danced with joy afierall those Pony victories right here in Moody. (Applause.) And you’ll think back to those carefree fallgame days on the Boulevard-though I don’t recall seeing too many of you in the football stadium.(Laughter.)
   To those of you who are graduating this afternoon with high honors, awards, and distinctions, I say, “well done.” And as l like to tell the “C” students: You, too, can be President. (Laughter andapplause.)    最重要的,我要祝贺2015届的毕业生们,你们为到达这一里程碑付出了努力。你们将带着持续终生的友谊和多彩的记忆离开,你们会记得曾经有多享受学校的强制饮食套餐。(笑声)你们会记得与车辆停泊办公室之间三天两头的掐架。(笑声)你们或许还会记得酒吧里那些成绩斐然的夜晚。(笑声和掌声)
   对于荣誉满载、获奖众多、才华横溢的毕业生们,我要说: “干得漂亮!”对于得了C的学生们,我也要说!你们也可以当总统。(掌声和笑声)
   得C的差生们也可以当总统,此话出自小布什之口,可谓是现身说法了。演讲中提到的a required campus meal plan是指美国大学的用餐计划。每所大学所提供的用餐计划各不相同,和我们的学生饭卡类似,不过他们是按用餐顿数算的,有一周10顿的,也有一周14顿的,也有不限次数的,学生可以自己选,然后往饭卡里相应充值,每吃完一顿减少一次使用权。另外,bounce一词的意思是“跳;弹;反弹”。
   例如:The ball bounced off the wall.
   She bounced into tha room.
   You, too, will be called at some point. The question, as Mark aptly and artfully laid out,is:Will you be optimistic and hopeful, or pessimistic and cynical? Here are three reasons why you should be optimistic and hopeful.
   One, you are graduating from a great university. Your SMU degree will open the door to a wide variety of career options. Millions will never have had this opportunity. SMU has laid afoundation so you can reason, and continue to learn through out your life. It has given you the tools to be productive citizens.
   One of the great strengths of America is our active public square. Issues are influenced by the will of the people. That is why an educated citizenry is so important to the success of ourcountry. As SMU graduates, you are well-equipped to participate in these vital debates. My hopeis that you speak out on the issues that matter to you, and participate in your Nation’s civic life ascitizens, not spectators. You’ll come to learn that who you are is more important than what you have-and that you have responsibilities to your fellow citizens, your country, and your family. By taking part in American democracy, you will make our country stronger.
   Secondly, you are blessed to live in the greatest Nation-ever. (Applause.) Here you canstrive and succeed as far as you dare to dream. It says something about our country that millions around the world are willing to leave their homes and families and risk everything to come here and realize the American dream. Their pursuit of that dream invigorates our national soul. Itrenews our country’s character. And it adds vitality to our culture.
   一、你们毕业于一所伟大的大学。它授予你们的学位会为你们打开各种各样的职业选择之门。很多人都没有这样的机会。南卫大为你们打下了这样一个基础,让你们可以明辨事理,可以继续学习终生,可以成为一个有贡献的公民。    美国的一大优点在于我们积极的民主制度,事情受民众意志的影响。因此,受教育的民众对我们国家的成功来说至关重要。作为南卫大的毕业生,你们有足够的能力参与这些重要的讨论。我希望你们能在那些与你们息息相关的事情上发声,作为公民积极参与国家政治生活,不要袖手旁观。你最终会意识到自己的身份比自己的所得更重要,会意识到自己对其他公民、国家和家庭的责任。通过参与美国民主,你们会使我们的国家更强大。
   二、你们有幸生活在有史以来最伟大的国家里。(掌声)在这,只要敢于梦想,你们就可以去努力奋斗,就有成功的可能。全世界有几百万人告别家乡、告别家人,赌上一切来到这里,实现美国梦。他们对梦想的追求鼓舞了我们的国家灵魂,重塑了我们的国家性格,也增添了我们的文化的活力。在某个时刻,你们也会受到召唤。问题是你们会乐观而充满希望地面对还是悲观而愤世嫉俗地面对呢?小布什在这里问的是南卫大的毕业生,其实这个问题我们也应该问问自己。我们是否做好了准备能乐观且充满希望的面对召唤呢?这里还有两个词组值得一提:一个是open the door to,意思是“打开了通向……的门,给……的机会”;另一个是come to do sth.,表示“逐渐,慢慢地,终于”。
   例如:The talk opened the door to a peaceful solution.
   She comes to realize that her master will never forgive her.
   As you serve others, you can inspire others. I’ve been inspired by the examples of many selfless servants. Winston Churchill, a leader of courage and resolve, inspired me during my Presidency-and, for that matter, in the post-presidency. Like Churchill, I now paint. (Laughter.)Unlike Churchill, the painting isn’t worth much without the signature. (Laughter.)
   In 1941, he gave a speech to the students of his old school during Britain’s most trying times in World WarmIt wasn’t too long, and it is well-remembered. Prime Minister Churchill urged,“Never give in… in nothing, great or small, large or petty. Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”
   I hope you’ll remember this advice. But there’s a lesser-known passage from that speech that I also want to share with you:
   “These are not dark days. These are great days. The greatest our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race.”
   When Churchill uttered these words, many had lost hope in Great Britain’s chance for survival against the Nazis. Many doubted the future of freedom. Today, some doubt America’sfuture, and they say our best days are behind us. I say, given our strengths-one of which is abright new generation like you-these are not dark days. These are great days.
   1941年,他在英国二战最艰难的时期给他母校的学生做了一次演讲。演讲不长,但令人印象深刻。首相丘吉尔呼吁道: “永远不要放弃……任何事情,无论大小,都不要放弃。除非为荣誉、善意,否则永不言弃。”
   例如:He couldn’t utter a word.
   I didn’t know who first uttered the truth.
暮春,彳亍在昆明湖畔的柳堤上。夕阳渐沉,夭桃已逝,垂柳寂寂,我感受着这满园的清冷况味,心里温着的那壶酒渐渐凉了。  多少年的光阴啊,怎么说忘就忘了呢,怎么说流就流走了呢?  一闭眼,仿佛还能看到当年那位博古通今、满腹经纶的文学泰斗傲然挺立的背影,虽是茕茕独立,却是从容而决绝。“义无再辱”,这是真正的士对自己毕生信仰最忠贞的维护,也是对那个残破不堪的土地最振聋发聩的呐喊。以自身蒙辱为辱,以国家受辱为
真题回放  阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分)  历经几年试验,小羽在传统工艺的基础上推陈出新,研发出一种新式花茶并获得专利。可是批量生产不久,大量假冒伪劣产品就充斥市场。小羽意识到,与其眼看着刚兴起的产业这么快就走向衰败,不如带领大家一起先把市场做规范。于是,她将工艺流程公之于众,还牵头拟定了地方标准,由当地政府有关部门发布推行。这些努力逐渐见效,新式花茶产业规模越来
蝴蝶眨几次眼睛才学会飞行,而当蝴蝶即将飞向远方时,身后又有多少不舍而又无法挽留的目光注视着他扇动的翅膀。  亲情像一堵温暖的墙,又像一双紧握的手,当你受伤失望时会为你遮风挡雨,而当你要飞向更广阔的天空时,他会挣扎着放开那温暖紧握的手。如果你向往天空,如果你渴望一双翅膀,那么他们总会放手让你去飞翔。父母的爱是无形的,它的割舍是因为一种希望,希望所爱之人拥有比自己更美好、更幸福的未来,放手不是因为不爱
当人们的旅行目的地甚至加入了“太空”这一条目时,对中国充满兴趣的摄影师Dheera 却展开了一场“穿越之旅”:他通过寻找各种书籍、网站等,事先收集了大量中国老照片,然后根据原始照片,在尽可能相同的拍摄点位上,按下快门,记录下城市发展的最新刻度。这些在同一地点、不同时间拍摄的照片清楚地展示了时光变迁留下的印记,让人惊艳的同时,也让人真切地感受到这个国家强大的发展潜力。相信再过一百年,她会更加强大!
Eight years ago, my mother received an unusual call from her mother.  “Have you got a minute?” my grandmother asked in her gentle drawl. She then claimed that my 60-year-old aunt, my mother’s sister,
一段时间以来,断章取义掀起的风波,并不鲜见。而类似“放水抗日”的反转,也常常发生。比如六小龄童“被过世”,我国锂电产业“被亏损”,上海购房信贷新政“被出台”……看似不起眼的字句、随手而发的消息,既可能影响一个人,也可能影响一个行业,甚至能引发更大范围的社会危机。  这种现象中,有两个因素尤其需要重视。一方面,名人八卦、劲爆内幕、激烈冲突、离奇故事常常在舆论场上有天然的“眼球效应”,导致一些网站和网
Host: OK, the phone rings, really early in the morning. The caller ID says the call’s from Sweden. If you’re an academic or scholar, even if you’re on furlough, especially this week, you know you’d be
【高考真题】  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  语文学习关系到一个人的终身发展,社会整体的语文素养关系到国家的软实力和文化自信。对于我们中学生来说,语文素养的提升主要有三条途径:课堂有效教学、课外大量阅读、社会生活实践。  请根据材料,从自己语文学习的体会出发,比较上述三条途径,阐述你的看法和理由。  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题,不要套作,不得抄袭,不得泄露
世界之大,无奇不有。万春小学的剪纸博物馆成立,这样一次“携手非遗,相约传统”的活动迅速热腾起来,吸引着我们的眼球。而从剪纸艺术来看,融生活气息和文化韵味为一体,体现了一种创新意识。  就像万春小学的孩子们大胆使用黑黄绿等颜色,与传统剪纸以红色为基调不同,孩子们的剪纸有了更鲜亮的视觉效果。这样加入新鲜元素,使传统文化更加接近我们现代人,也使我们更有兴趣,更加喜爱。  创新,无疑是解决问题的良方。在我
不同的物种——甚至在进化上相距甚远的物种,如果生活在条件相同的环境中,有可能产生功能相同或十分相似的形态结构以适应环境。例如哺乳纲的鲸和海豚、爬行类的鱼龙等由于长期生活在水中,因而进化出与鱼类相似的体型;澳大利亚的袋食蚁兽、非洲的土豚、亚洲的穿山甲和南美洲的食蚁兽都具有相似的生活方式和适于捕食白蚁的相似生理结构。此种现象被称为趋同进化(convergent evolution)。  Here’s