第十四单元 说明文阅读

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〔问疑解难〕 1、说明文有没有关于“要素”的提法? 所谓“要素”,就是构成事物的必要因素,说明文能够独立成为一种体裁,也有构成其存在的因素,只是目前暂时没有“说明的要素”这样提罢了,那么在写作和阅读说明文时要着重注意哪些方面呢?主要有三个方面;说明的特征,说明的顺序和说明的方法,这三方面将在下文分别说明。 2、怎样分析作者抓取的说明对象的特征? 一篇说明文能否达到说明的目的,关键在于有没有把事物的特征说明白。所谓“特征”,就是这一事物区别于其他事物的标志。分析作者如何抓取说明对象的特征,可以从分析说明的过程入手。事物的特征是受事物本质规定 】 【Issues difficult to answer 】 1, explain the text there is no reference to “elements” The so-called “elements” is the necessary factors that constitute things, explain the text can independently become a genre, but also constitute a factor of its existence, but currently there is no “ The elements of the explanation are mentioned here. What are the points that should be paid attention to when writing and reading explanatory texts? There are mainly three aspects; the characteristics of the explanations, the order of explanation, and the method of explanation. These three aspects will be explained separately below. 2, how to analyze the characteristics of the object captured by the author? An explanation of whether the article can achieve the purpose of the explanation, the key lies in whether there is no description of the characteristics of things. The so-called ”characteristic" is the sign that this thing is different from other things. Analyze how the author captures the characteristics of the explanatory object. You can start by analyzing the process of explanation. The characteristics of things are regulated by the nature of things
The kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus, is one of the most cultivated and consumed species of shrimp. However, very few molecular genetic/genomic resources ar