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由全国供销总社和中国科学院植物研究所主持召开的全国果实采后生理学术讨论会于一九八○年八月二十七日至九月二日在乌鲁木齐举行。有39个单位参加,共有代表58名。我国著名植物生理学家娄成后教授、李曙轩教授和吕忠恕教授参加会议并在会上分别作了“果蔬贮藏中细胞内含物的转移”、“蔬菜采后生理及处理”、及“植物激素与果实成熟”的专题报告。 代表们对于果实采后生理研究提出了26篇论文,进行了交流和讨论并拟定今后果品采后生理的研究项目。 近十年来我国水果贮藏研究在与国内供销、商业、外贸等部门密切合作下有了较大的发展,为果品贮藏解决了许多实际问题,研究队伍已初具规模,学术水平也有所提高。但是尚有大量的研究课题没有深入开展,影响了果品贮藏水平的提高。果实采后生理的研究就是一个重要的方面。会议认为今后的采后生理研究应着重如下八个方面: The national symposium on fruit post-harvest physiology, chaired by the National Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was held in Urumqi from August 27 to September 2, 1980. There are 39 units to participate, a total of 58 representatives. Professor Lou Chenghou, Professor Li Shu Xuan and Professor Lu Zhongshu, famous plant physiologists in our country, attended the conference and delivered “Transfer of cellular contents in fruits and vegetables”, “Postharvest physiology and treatment of vegetables” and “Phytohormones Mature with fruit ”special report. The delegates put forward 26 articles on fruit post-harvest physiology research, conducted exchanges and discussions and formulated research projects on future fruit post-harvest physiology. In the recent ten years, the research on fruit storage in our country has made great development under the close cooperation with domestic supply and marketing, commerce and foreign trade departments. Many practical problems have been solved for the storage of fruit products. The research team has taken shape and the academic standards have also been raised. However, there are still a large number of research projects not carried out in depth, affecting the improvement of fruit storage levels. Fruit postharvest physiology is an important aspect. The meeting held that the future post-harvest physiology research should focus on the following eight aspects:
山西省汾阳县南城大队党支部书记王厚富,培育出了核桃新品种——绵核桃。它具有皮薄、仁大、高产的特点。比当地老品种核桃增产10倍以上。王厚富有几十年的核桃种植经 Wang
目的:系统评价大株红景天注射液治疗心绞痛的有效性和不良反应. 方法:计算机检索CBM、CNKI、万方、MEDLINE、EMBASE、中国生物医学文献数据、PubMed、Cochrane图书馆临床