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目的了解昆明市成年居民的高血压患病及患病知晓情况,为我市高血压防治工作提供基础数据。方法 2013年3~5月采用多阶段分层抽样的方法,对昆明市成年居民高血压患病与患病知晓的情况进行调查,通过问卷调查获取相关资料,应用描述性分析、χ~2检验分析。结果调查发放问卷11 396份,收集有效问卷11 328份,高血压患病率为21.76%,患病知晓率为51.93%;不同性别居民高血压患病率无差异(P>0.05),而男性患病知晓率(46.70%)低于女性(56.51%)(P<0.01);随着年龄的增高,高血压患病率和患病知晓率均随之增高(P<0.01);高血压患病率随着文化程度的增高而降低(P<0.01),而患病知晓率无差异(P>0.05);知道体重居民的患病率(21.33%)低于不知道者(25.31%),而知道血糖水平居民的患病率(30.25%)高于不知道者(18.63%)(P<0.01);知道体重、腰围、血糖、慢性病危险因素居民的患病知晓率均高于不知道者(P<0.01);超重和肥胖者患病率高于体重正常者(P<0.01),而患病知晓率无差异(P>0.05);城市居民高血压患病率低于农村居民,而患病知晓率却明显高于农村居民(P<0.01)。结论昆明市高血压的患病率较高,而仅一半的患者知道自己患有高血压。 Objective To understand the prevalence and prevalence of hypertension among adult residents in Kunming and provide the basic data for the prevention and treatment of hypertension in our city. Methods From March to May 2013, multi-stage stratified sampling was used to investigate the prevalence and prevalence of hypertension among adult residents in Kunming. Relevant data were obtained by questionnaire survey. Descriptive analysis, χ ~ 2 test analysis. Results A total of 11 396 questionnaires were sent out and 11 328 valid questionnaires were collected. The prevalence rate of hypertension was 21.76% and the prevalence rate was 51.93%. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of hypertension between different sexes (P> 0.05) (46.70%) was lower than that of females (56.51%) (P <0.01). With the increase of age, the prevalence of hypertension and the prevalence of hypertension were significantly increased (P <0.01). Hypertension The prevalence rate was lower with the increase of education level (P <0.01), while there was no difference in the prevalence of disease (P> 0.05). The prevalence of weight residents was 21.33% lower than that of unknowing people (25.31% (30.25%) were higher than those who did not know (18.63%) (P <0.01). The prevalence rate of residents who were aware of the risk factors of body weight, waist circumference, blood glucose, and chronic diseases was higher than that of those who did not know (P <0.01). The prevalence of overweight and obesity was higher in those with normal body weight (P <0.01), while there was no difference in the prevalence of illness (P> 0.05). The prevalence of hypertension in urban residents was lower than that in rural residents The prevalence of illness was significantly higher than that of rural residents (P <0.01). Conclusions The prevalence of hypertension in Kunming is high, while only half of the patients know they have high blood pressure.
如何改善中低收入居民的居住条件是城市化快速的国家共同面对的难题。本文旨在研究在中国住房体制改革中形成的针对中低收入居民的经济适用房制度及政策影响。 本文分成四
欢乐是种心情,淡然是种态度,而幸福则是种感觉!对于热爱书法之人,能尽兴书写,就是幸福流淌于笔尖,点点滴滴、浅浅淡淡、字里行间……  父亲是引路人,我五岁始识笔,墨池旁濡染、玩耍、涂鸦,成为我每日晨起的游戏。漳州先贤王作人是我的启蒙老师,给我生命中第一本字帖——赵孟頫《妙严寺》,伴我走过天真童年。蔡和先生知遇之恩,考音乐的我转而学美术,得以重拾书法,领略文字之美。刘文华先生教我理念、指引方向,使我懂
摘 要:小学数学是义务教育当中的基础性学科,也是在生活中应用较为频繁的知识。因此,合理开展小学数学教学对学生未来生活以及学业而言具有积极意义。而基于核心素养视角教学方式的提出,也为小学数学教学的优化提供了意见。简要分析小学数学核心素养存在的价值,同时从创建真实问题情景以及提倡多种学习方式两方面分析如何基于核心素养视角开展小学数学教学,以期为小学数学教师开展教学活动提供了参考。  关键词:核心素养;