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在适宜的条件下,龙眼定植后20~25天,可以看到淡红色的嫩梢抽吐出来,新叶逐渐转绿,成为第一次新梢。但是并不意味着这株龙眼苗已经成活了。因为这是借助龙眼树体内贮藏的营养抽吐出的新梢,此时并未充分发出新根,遇到不良的条件时,部分龙眼苗在其抽梢、红叶伸展和转绿的过程中,会出现新梢凋萎、干枯甚至导致死苗。这种现象称为“回枯”现 Under suitable conditions, longan 20 to 25 days after colonization, you can see the tender red light spit out, the new leaves gradually turn green, becoming the first shoot. But that does not mean that this longan seedling has survived. Because this is the use of longan tree shoots of nutrients stored in the spit out of the new shoots, did not give full issue of new roots at this time, in the face of poor conditions, some of the longan seedlings in the shoot tip, red leaves stretch and turn green in the process Emergence of shoots withered, dry and even lead to dead seedlings. This phenomenon is called “back to dry” now
【摘 要】随着我国现代科学技术水平的快速提高,以及我国城市化进程的也日益加快,在很大程度上,对我国的地质测绘工作也得到了较快的进步与发展,现在我国的地质测绘已经逐步地从传统的测绘方式向数字化开始过渡,现代的数字地质测绘具备诸多优势,尤其是GPS技术得到了广泛地运用。本文通过对GPS技术的运用深入地探讨、分析,期望能够为地质测绘工作带来较好的指导性意义。  【关键词】地质测绘;GPS技术;数据处理 
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