去年12月上旬,美国百人会(Committeeof 100)在北京人民大会堂拜会了朱总理。这个由美籍华裔精英组成的民间团体成员包括了贝聿铭、马友友、何大一等。此行30余位会员在一小时的会谈中,与朱总理广泛地讨论到当前中国的经济形势。会后其中一位综合了对他的印象与观察:(1)朱总理一直受到海外华人的尊敬,主要是他的胆识、担当与大刀阔斧的改革决心。谈到一些国营企业在入世后可能遭遇的困难,朱总理说,让一些没有效率的国营企业关门,不正是市场经济中常有的现象?
In early December last year, the Committee of 100 the United States met with Premier Zhu in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. The non-governmental organization composed of elite ethnic Chinese includes IM Pei, Yo-Yo Ma and He Dauyi. During the one-hour talks, more than 30 members of the delegation discussed with Premier Zhu extensively about the current economic situation in China. After the meeting, one of them summed up his impression and observation of him: (1) Premier Zhu has always been respected by overseas Chinese, mainly his boldness, determination and bold reform. When talking about the difficulties that state-owned enterprises may encounter after their accession to the WTO, Premier Zhu said that it is not common for some inefficient state-owned enterprises to close their doors to the market economy.