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灵活的设置互动教学的环节,这会极大地为小学英语课程的教学带来有效促进。教学互动的过程中首先能够为学生的语言应用与沟通交流过程提供有效平台,不仅能够培养学生的语言能力,也会非常有助于良好的师生关系以及学生间的相互关系的营造。互动式教学在展开的过程中教师要进行合理的教学组织与设计,要尽可能地让更多的学生有参与的机会,这样才能够实现对于学生语言能力的深入锻炼,进而更好的达成预期的教学目标。 The flexible setting of interactive teaching links will greatly facilitate the teaching of primary English courses. The interactive process of teaching can provide an effective platform for students ’language application and communication process not only to cultivate students’ language ability, but also to contribute greatly to the construction of good teacher-student relationship and inter-student relationship. Interactive teaching in the process of unfolding teachers to conduct a reasonable teaching organization and design, as much as possible to allow more students have the opportunity to participate, so as to be able to achieve in-depth training of students’ language ability, so as to better achieve the expected The teaching goal.
The principal variability patterns (EOF) of the anomalies of total heat transfer from ocean to atmosphere computed from 30 years’ monthly averaged data over t
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The case of heavy rain on the meiyu front of June 24—27, 1981 is analysed by use of the mesoscale data with 45×45 km×50 hPa grid mesh. It is found th
一、引言 自1978年以来,日本电气有限公司研制了一种以微型计算机为基础的多道地震剖面系统。 Ⅰ型已移交给东京大学海洋研究所, 用该海洋研究所的白凤丸调查船,在太平洋沿岸
一、教材分析人教版小学英语四年级上册六个单元所含话题都同小学生的生活密切相关,本课时是Unit 2 My schoolbag这个话题的第一课时,其内容是Part A Let’s learn,let’s ta
It is discovered through data analysis that both daily mean sea level (obtained by averaging 24 hourly tide heights) and daily mean tide range have oscillation