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在日前召开的华夏基金年度投资策略报告会上,国家统计局总经济师姚景源指出,未来两个月物价将继续下行,目前的风险已不是通胀。如果农产品价格回落幅度过大,将不利于农民增收。燕京华侨大学校长华生表示,目前股市泡沫基本散去,市场进入相对合理估值区间。应改革新股发行制度,使股票估值合理。 At the China Investment Fund Annual Investment Strategy Report held recently, Yao Jingyuan, chief economist of the National Bureau of Statistics, pointed out that prices will continue to decline in the next two months and the current risk is not inflation. If the price of agricultural products falls too far, it will not help farmers increase their income. Yan Sheng Huasheng University President Watson said that the current stock market bubble basically dispersed, the market entered a relatively reasonable valuation range. The new share issuance system should be reformed to make stock valuations reasonable.
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晚上,正在和朋友一起喝酒谈天,突然电话响了起来,是老徐打来的。原来,他在对一个新开发的重要客户报价时把成本价报给了客户,客户一看价格异常优惠,而日,又是知名企业,于是就很快下了订单。老徐一看订单头就大了价格报错了,加上费用还赔钱。  如何既把价格调上来又保住这个好不容易刚争取来的客户?  1 最常见的方法:立即跟客户联系,主动承认错误并道歉,争取客户的谅解。  这种方法对于有一定客情基础的老客户还
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