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九五年的高考作文试题,是一道很好的试题。命题者紧扣“高考说明”的要求,综合而有重点地考查了学生的写作能力。评卷实际说明,今年的作文试题,难度是适中的,绝大多数考生能把握题意,考出了自己的实际水平;同时,试题也有较强的区分效度,有利于选拔高质量人才。 九五年高考作文试题,从形式上看,又由九四年的命题记叙文回归到供材料作文。虽然仍然是供料作文,但与以往高考供料作文比较起来,今 The 95th college entrance examination essay question is a good question. The propositions closely follow the requirements of the “examination of the college entrance examination” and comprehensively and critically examine the students’ writing ability. The actual assessment of the evaluation paper shows that the difficulty of this year’s essay test questions is moderate, and that most of the candidates can grasp their own questions and test their own actual level; at the same time, the test questions also have strong discriminant validity and are conducive to the selection of high-quality talents. In the 95th college entrance examination essay question, formally, the proposition narrative of 1994 is returned to the composition of the material. Although it is still a writing composition, it is compared with the previous college entrance exam composition writing.
毕 业 卷 I.单词辨音(10%) (A)从下列每组四个单词中找出一个其划线部分读音不同于其他三个的词,并将其前面的大写字母填入题前的括号中(本项共5分,每小题1分)( )1:A.food B.
一、填空题(一)的立方根是—— 2,在△A似’中,AD平分么BA(?交l引jr D,ABt^(、-=7:5.刚S....1^D:S4Ⅲw棠——, 3.分解因式:,‘j,十2一j,。一,y一2∞,。一——。 4.v卜聃与,十
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(A卷) 一、填空题(每空2分,共60分) 1.物体由于___而具有的能叫动能,物体由于___而具有的能叫重力势能。 2.分子运动论的基本内容是:(1)____________;(2)_______________(3)
一、(本题共50分,每小题给出的答案中只有一个是正确的,把正确答案的序号填入题后的括号内,每小题选对的得2分,选错或未选的得0分) 1.水的密度值是( )。 A.1千克/米~3 B.1×
准确、全面地理解题意 [考点说明] 准确、全面地理解题意,是对作文审题提出的基本能力要求。“好题一半文”,标题是文章内容的窗口,主题的眼睛,是文章内容最精炼、鲜明、艺