
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganglei2008
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Background. Superficial white onychomycosis (SWO) is a distinct pattern of fungal nail invasion, which is usually treated with topical antifungals. Objective. This paper presents a case of SWO with deep penetration and records other similar cases. Methods. The clues to deep invasion of the nail plate are twofold: an inability to clear the discoloration by scraping the nail and a clinical involvement of the nail plate in the proximal nailfold area. Histology of the nail keratin will confirm deep penetration beyond the superficial layers of the nail plate. Results. In the light of this finding the authors propose a further subdivision of SWO to reflect previously unrecognized variants with therapeutic implications into: (i) the classical SWO type; (ii) the dual invasion of the nail plate, superficial and ventral; and (iii) the pseudo-SWO with deep fungal invasion of the nail plate. Conclusions. This subdivision of SWO allows the clinician to treat the patient appropriately using topical antifungals when the disease is restricted to the dorsum of the nail. Systemic drugs either in isolation or in combination with topical treatment are mandatory when deep penetration or ventral fungal invasion are observed. Background. This paper presents a case of SWO with deep penetration and records other similar cases. Methods. The clues to deep invasion of the nail plate are twofold: an inability to clear the discoloration by scraping the nail and a clinical involvement of the nail plate in the proximal nailfold area. Histology of the nail keratin will confirm deep penetration beyond the superficial layers of the nail plate. In the light of this finding the further of a subdivision of SWO to reflect previously unrecognized variants with therapeutic implications into: (i) the classical SWO type; (ii) the dual invasion of the nail plate, superficial and ventral; and ( iii) the pseudo-SWO with deep fungal invasion of the nail plate. Conclusions. This subdivision of SWO allows the clinician to treat the patient appropriately using topical antifungals when the disease is restricted to the dorsum of the nail. Systemic drugs either in isolation or in combination with topical treatment are mandatory when deep penetration or ventral fungal invasion are observed.
提出利用光通量变化测试弹丸在贯穿复合材料靶板过程中的瞬时位移,介绍了该方法的基本原理及测量、标定方法,实际测试结果表明该方法是可行的 The instantaneous displacement
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素质是心理学的概念,指人的神经系统、大脑和感官上的先天生理素质特点。心理是感觉、知觉、动机、意志、性格、能力等心理现象的总称。生理素质和心理现象与生俱 Quality